Just perfect...
Matylda Swan
It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
I am interested in UFO files and information since my teen ages. Watching a show today (10/9/2017), I noticed the interviews are not edited properly. If an interviewee says something wrong this should be either removed or be corrected by the narrator. An interviewee said Iran, a small country! Iran is the second biggest country in the region, bigger than all European countries, with over 70 million people, and one of the youngest populations in the world. A small country is Panama, Albania, or Isreal. When the interviewer was talking about the possibility of Iran having serious information, the video that was showing Iran, was a Pakistani city or Afghan city. This is ridiculous of the producer(s) of the program to misinform people trying to present a country poor when it is not. I am not watching the program anymore and will suggest friends to stop watching it until I receive an official apology.
My family and I were driving home and saw light 5 big lights, I thought it was a plane. A month later military army closed out a road because they said it was a plane crash. We live on a Indian reservation and it is small. That road is where people go to cut fire wood. Army was in white river for about a week. People were at the road, wondering why army was here. It was in July 2015. They closed the road and had police sitting at the bottom not letting anyone through. I am watching your TV show and it got me thinking. My brother, and other people saw lights crashing to the ground that night, but if it was a plane why did they have army in humvees and army trucks?? Please get back with me.. Very interested..
Indrid Cold
Without any doubt this is not a scientific or educational program, it's infotainment. and that's okay. as always you have to extract useful and well researched data from data implemented for entertainment reasons. HANGAR 1 - allegedly derived from "the" MUFON archives - is far better than most of the other documentaries about the huge topic "UFOs", paranormal events and high strangeness for it shows some not so well known examples of unsolved and mostly very interesting events. MUFON in my humble opinion is, after all, far more credible than most of the other investigation organizations. that's why i seriously wondered why they agreed to be used as host for the series. the European section MUFON-CES would never act in such a self-destructive way, i guess.Because... of course: shows like HANGAR 1 are first and foremost fun and entertainment. many people - like myself - who personally witnessed UFOs or other enigmatic phenomena and who dug deeper will know how to separate nonsense from facts but will have primarily fun watching the whole shebang. on the other hand, hardcore skepticists and professional debunks will never give any credibility to the show and its topics. so it's always praying in your own church. watch it, keep an open mind and, most of all, stop believing (in UFO-buffs AND debunks!).
This series, though a bit over dramatized, are files from MUFON (a legit organization) brought forth for exploration and critical thinking.The information brought forward, such as particular events, are fact, not conjecture, backed up from key witnesses that have come forward.What I am surprised with however is, why they haven't brought Dr. Steven Greer into the mix with his 100's of top secret military govt. witnesses that have already come forward and their stories. Another point that is a negative in my opinion, is painting the ET's in an "aggressive" manner in one of the episodes and not telling the whole story (selective agenda), which is disappointing for MUFON, which is a respected organization. They may have had their hands tied by the History channel for propaganda effect...who knows.Nonetheless, I highly recommend this series, for the knowledge/events brought forth. But if you want some real eye opening info, google disclosure project with Greer and follow the websites/rabbit hole.