Hangar 1: The UFO Files
Hangar 1: The UFO Files
TV-PG | 06 March 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    Peter April Hangar 1" is one of the worst documentary series about UFO phenomenon, I have ever seen. It's an absolute disgrace. Awful editing, cheap animations, showing little original footage (sometimes they use fake footage when real one, actually, exists) and most of all, horrible analysis of evidence and facts. The whole series is presented by a group of so called "UFO experts" who do nothing more but project their assumptions, with little critical thought and questioning. There is little scientific analysis from scientists and technicians, whatsoever. Manye cases have been even debunked long time ago, so why do they still keep repeating the same stories over and over again. Such series does more damage, disinformation and ridicule than good for the proper scientific research of this phenomenon. To compare, there are great UFO series such as Alien Mysteries (2013) or Close Encounters (2014)- they are with high quality animations, well detailed recreation of events and. They are well edited and are full of interviews with eye witnesses. Contain decent analysis with little assumptions. They give clear view of events and leave it to the audience to decide what they think. Complete opposite to Hangar 1.
    Indrid Cold Without any doubt this is not a scientific or educational program, it's infotainment. and that's okay. as always you have to extract useful and well researched data from data implemented for entertainment reasons. HANGAR 1 - allegedly derived from "the" MUFON archives - is far better than most of the other documentaries about the huge topic "UFOs", paranormal events and high strangeness for it shows some not so well known examples of unsolved and mostly very interesting events. MUFON in my humble opinion is, after all, far more credible than most of the other investigation organizations. that's why i seriously wondered why they agreed to be used as host for the series. the European section MUFON-CES would never act in such a self-destructive way, i guess.Because... of course: shows like HANGAR 1 are first and foremost fun and entertainment. many people - like myself - who personally witnessed UFOs or other enigmatic phenomena and who dug deeper will know how to separate nonsense from facts but will have primarily fun watching the whole shebang. on the other hand, hardcore skepticists and professional debunks will never give any credibility to the show and its topics. so it's always praying in your own church. watch it, keep an open mind and, most of all, stop believing (in UFO-buffs AND debunks!).
    Ian Dubin I have been a MUFON member, Country Representative and Field Investigator for many years since first becoming interested in the UFO phenomena in the early 90s, This could have been a great series and it certainly highlights a huge number of very interesting cases.However, it is almost unwatchable for me due to the constant breathless tone of awe and even more annoying, the incessant repetition, the same bits of information being spoon fed to the audience over and over again, the same bit of hoaked up footage repeated ad nauseum. Why are you using faked footage of the 1952 Washington flap when the actual footage exists? C'mon History Channel, I have several post graduate degrees and I don't wear a tinfoil hat. You seem to have created this series for people with the attention spans of house cats.Ramp up your game. Not all of your audience needs everything repeated over and over in words of one syllable.
    sameeraravihara I had a big hope when i started watching the show. and the first episode was good. but from the second episode, it fell apart. the show is filled with four or five people just claiming "I heard this, we heard that" without any concrete evidence on their statements. and some of their points are ridicules. I mean, come on! what government would build an airport to cover up an underground secret base AND, put up drawings of alien invasion there to give us an hint?!- doesn't make any sense at all. and the show is so biased, that it almost try to brainwash the viewer with some silly and science fictional stuff, that they clearly have no evidence to proof. Shows like this damages the credibility of the channel and makes me wonder if low quality shows likes this are made by the government to cover up the real dark facts with hard to believe fantasies.