Chasing UFOs
Chasing UFOs
TV-14 | 29 June 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    grynai I love the National Geographic magazine. In the world where quality matters less and less, it's still surprisingly professional and inspiring.However, seeing shows like this on their TV channel makes me think that one day - sooner rather than later - it too will join the cheap entertainment(?) media. How such an idiotic production ended up on National Geographic channel is beyond me. It seems to go against all the values that I thought the National Geographic society had. But I rarely watch TV and mostly read the magazine, so maybe this show isn't an exception. Maybe it's a direction in which the channel is headed. In that case, I have nothing more to say.
    dbusack National Geographic – deep six this show and try to redeem yourselves before you ruin your once respected name! UFO Hunters was bad verging on psychotic.Ancient Aliens took preconceived ideas to entirely new levels so far out of reality that their final episode should have been to visit the wizard and get a brain.The new evolution, Chasing UFO's, is not even worth watching. This show could take a true believer and turn them into a hard core skeptic. There is just no basis in reality/science/research anywhere in this show. I truly cannot come up with any redeeming features for this show. It is as if they gave some failed actors a poorly written script and told them to wing it. I have tried to give it a chance, but three episodes are enough to make my call on this one. This show is pathetic.If this is the direction educational channels (as I once considered National Geographic) are going, we are in for serious problems.
    HpyCmpr155 This show is sooo bad is violates even my low standards of reality television and I am a big fan of anything to do with UFOs or ghosts. It is patently ridiculous. Yet another trio of people claiming to be "experts" (at what we don't exactly know) running around in silly hats equipped with every possible night vision camera and every POV angle you can think of. (Yeah, like the guards at that military base AREN'T going to suspect anything.........While they hide under trees and scurry away from military helicopters with searchlights tracking them from the air. And for some ridiculous reason, while they are out to SOLVE THE ROSWELL CRASH MYSTERY single handedly, they feel the need to take to the desert in the DARK with their metal detectors to look for scraps of metal and become positively giddy when they WHOO HOO !!!!! Find something.(I guess they HAD to use all those night vision cameras.....)The formula takes about one episode to figure out. "Let's split up.." It is beyond stupid.I actually had to turn it off last night.I felt my brain turning to mush,
    lvlv52 The top of the heap, as UFO investigation on TV goes, was "Sightings" (on Fox then SciFi) which, in its weekly newsmagazine format, did its level best to be journalistic, and to report on new cases (or at least those we might not have heard of). And Then...despite being a solid hit on both networks, it was GONE. Almost as though it was making Someone nervous. So what's come along since then to fill the void? The History Channel had the excellent "UFO Files," which did not avoid pointed fingers and named names, and managed to be shocking at times. And was GONE. Then History's "UFO Hunters" in which our intrepid 'investigators' never managed to look into anything more recent than the '70s; History's ongoing "Ancient Aliens" which, while intriguing, leaves you wanting to throttle those silly-haired geeks over such blockheaded assertions as that there was NO indigenous science in ancient Egypt, ONLY alien science. Sheesh. And now there's THIS, which could be mistaken for an unsold 3 Stooges pilot. THIS intrepid troupe shows up at sites where someone saw something 10 or 20 years ago...they come back at night with their expensive night-vision gear, huffing and puffing, assuming that if someone saw something once upon a time, then they'll see it too (one of them is James Fox, a once-respected ufologist with a couple of solid docs on his resume, who obviously always wanted to be an action hero). What those entries from "UFO Hunters" forward have in common is that they're all new-age Cold Case Files, seeking out the over-reported and the unsolvable, and they are ALL wastes of time. There are Some who'd have you believe that this is because there haven't been any new sightings in years'n'years. BUSHWAH!! There's a terrific website which will convince you otherwise. In the meantime, I'd rather have NO UFO programming on the air than this fol-de-rol. Someone...PLEASE...Bring Back "Sightings"!!!!