Beach Girls
Beach Girls
| 31 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    jehaccess6 I liked this mini-series so much, I watched it in one go! All the female characters were interesting and basically people you would like to know, despite their human frailties. The men came off much the worse in this production. The female writers obviously had an Axe to grind in their opinion of the males of the species. Still, the young female eye candy kept the male audience engaged.I was mostly interested in watching Julia Ormond again after watching her in 'Sabrina' about 100 times. She has changed drastically over the 10 years between the two productions, having had a baby the year before 'Beach Girls'. Julia mastered an American accent for this effort, never even attempting not to sound British for 'Sabrina'.Rob Lowe portrayed 'Jack Kilvert' the most self-centered, insensitive, nasty-mouthed, jerk imaginable. The female writers must have chuckled over handing Rob the script to portray such an unlovable character. At least they didn't have him display an unhealthy interest in under-aged girls as happened in real life a few years ago. The script at least allowed 'Jack' to mellow over the course of the production, absorbing wisdom at the feet of his teen-aged daughter 'Nell' and old flame 'Stevie'.There are few positives in the male characters here. They only improve when they realize that they are hopeless cases devoid of any virtue until they submit their wills to the infinitely wiser females in their life. Only the few hopeless Neanderthal males never realize what bliss they are missing by refusing to bow the knee.I watched some of the lifeguard scenes with a vague sense of familiarity that troubled me. Then it hit me, these scenes could easily have appeared on 'Baywatch'. I half expected Pamela Anderson to saunter past the camera. Still, 'Beach Girls' rises firmly above the abysmal level of 'Baywatch', faint praise as that is.
    iycediamonds very good mini series, I didn't think I would like the show but I did. Does anyone know if there is going to be a rerun of this mini series and if so when we it be. Too bad it wasn't on the TV line up. I wondered what Rob Lowe was going to do after West Wing I hope he gets involved with another mini series. The series was perfectly cast. It was extremely enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately I missed the last show in the series. I truly hope the show comes back with some reruns for those of us who missed some of the shows. It was one of the more enjoyable mini series. TV land needs more shows along this line. I hope they bring more to TV land.
    Brookic0 I loved Beach Girls! At first I was critical, because Stevie Moore (Julia Ormond) looked older than Rob Lowe's character and they were supposed to be the same age and Nell's character is a little drab looking. However, when I got into it a little bit, it was really good. It had well thought out characters and a strong steady plot line. I haven't read the book, but if it is as good as the movie, I think I might. I am a big Rob Lowe fan but, the only thing I was disappointed in was Jack, Rob Lowe's character. He came across as a jerk, I hoped that it would get better as it went along, but he always came across that way. I was truly impressed with the actresses that played Clare, Skye, and Nell. Stevie ended up being a good character as well. I would recommend Beach Girls to anyone....I would also like to see more of these books made into mini series things...
    bizybea2002 I wish they would make a real weekly series and run it for at least 52 weeks. I think the crew of actors are great in the Beach Girls. It is a Good old down to earth American Life Style Story. I could watch it every Night. Thank You for letting me vote and comment on the show.I think more down to earth shows should be on TV. We have more than 100 channels of nothing but News and silly shows, we need some Stories with some real life type plots. Anyone with a Family and Teanagers should appreciate a show like this. I think Beach Girls could be the best thing that has happened to TV since Dallas. We are due some real Life like shows and if i were allowed to vote on this one twice, I would.Bea
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