Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom
TV-Y7 | 03 April 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    jeyehesohenh When people say that Danny Phantom is cool because he has ghost power, they're obsessing over genetic mutations. The plot isn't that good. In fact, the plot harshly transitions, with cheesy puns here and there. The script is very repetitive and dull. It needs more comic relief. Poor execution made the show worse than it should be. The show is just about trying to get a girlfriend and fighting ghosts. The harsh transition from the pro-log to the theme song with eerie whispering every 5 seconds and fake rap warns me to turn off my TV.
    mattmoreygoku Omg.... Notice at the title Danny Phantom next to it, it says (2004-) there is no cancellation date.....so my theory is that its a hint.... a hint that Danny Phantom is not over..... because if it was over then there would be a cancellation date....and u cant say they just missed it because every one of the shows on here that are canceled have a cancellation date...so I look forward to sometime in the future to watching new episodes in the future........ also I think it needs to come back because right now I think nick is stuck between a rock in a hard place because of how dumber...and...dumber....honestly there old shows are way better than their new ones...so not just Danny Phantom bring back the whole shabang CatDog, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, and many more of the old shows.....I hope this little message reaches Nickeloadeon Studios so they see where they went wrong.....Bye hope u guys liked my review......#Bestshowsonnick
    Sarah I'll admit, I watched the premiere episode of Danny Phantom in 2004, and it really didn't make a super-awesome impression on me. Sure, it wasn't bad, but what I remembered the most is how much I didn't really like the theme song.Although, I flipped through channels one day and stumbled upon it. Why not? It wasn't bad, per se, so I watched it. The next day, and the next, it turned into a habit to watch Danny at five-thirty. Soon I started to obsess; I loved the show more than anything on television. I still do! The characters make me laugh, the stories are really interesting (most; not everything's perfect), and the animation style is just awesome. Unlike so many of the shows on Nick, I can see Danny actually drawing in an audience of ALL ages. I love it (I'm sixteen.), my parents don't mind watching it with me, and I know little kids who love it, too. There are morals in the end, the hero doesn't always win, and the show portrays some of the real stresses of being a teenager. Why are they cancelling this? Danny Phantom has to be the best show they've had on the air for years. I didn't even watch the channel anymore until I got back into DP.I think they need to realize that if the show isn't bringing in the ratings they want or the money that they want, maybe they should put it back in its old time slot and make some more merchandise that you can actually purchase in a store. (I've never seen any; I don't know about other places.) Hopefully Danny's run won't end this year. It can't be ending in February; there's not enough time to make that happen.10 out of 10 for the ghost that I sure love the most. =3
    jadusdraconus-1 I have to admit it. I'm a Danny Phantom addict. i'm a 33 yr old father of three and my two sons (3yr and 2 yrs) and i watch this show every time it is on. The artwork of the show is superb when compared to many of todays, or the last decades, cartoons. The plot and storyline are excellent for the average teen or even young teen, and the lines are better than many of the adult intended lines from bugs bunny. Heavy with sarcasm, dry humor and a bumbling fathers exploits, this show rocks. There's enough reality based topics in the plot for any teen to relate to, and many adults will take great humor in the dialogue. I personally believe the show caters to a sense of family and friends, either group can benefit from this. Whether you choose to watch this with your family or sit back with your family, you'll certainly enjoy this cartoon. I'm proud to say i watch this.