TV-MA | 15 December 2014 (USA)

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    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    pkpera Yes, it was for me most painful finish of some serial. Even if it was never planned to continue it. Especially, as part 3 (what was actually 105 +106) was really dense, with lot of action, turns ... Which barely fit in 85 minutes. Is Sci-Fi with brain so unpopular, that it must be cut off ? Firefly, Caprica - just couple examples from not far past. Instead, there is whole bunch of zombie, blood thirsty car, and like crap. And situation with movies is really not better. Even some big productions smell only on money making. Will not give examples, most of people know which are it .. Ah, back to Ascension. I watched it for second time. Surely not perfect, first part was even slow, but there were many nice ladies, girls, as it can be only in Canadian productions. Basic idea is just genial. I have no clue is it made after some book or whatever. Acting was pretty good, as sets, direction - for TV serial sure. There was not much CGI, and was no need for it. But they left too much of it for third part, in last minutes it happened too much, and then boom - final scene and credits. That would be more-less normal when there is sequel, continuing. But no even trace of such plans. Really, I don't get SyFy leaders. Once in 4 years, there is some good serial among all crap. Maybe just pure statistical anomaly. And that's just sad.
    philipwalter-203-923182 A 100 year multi-billion dollar project overseen by one person. A leading group of scientists and philosophers, but seemingly no artists or musicians, who in 51 years have managed to devolve into some weird elitist hierarchy of upstairs/downstairs The Captain wife however is running some wide ranging brothel operation and everyone seems cool with that A 'surprise' hidden hatch that no-one knew about on the beach. A parachuted consultant who's trust was total in a conspiracy theorist, nah she had a getaway car stashed locally with all sorts of passports, cash and guns Hidden camera's throughout the ship that seemed to move with the action, but seemed to miss crucial bits When did they invent the word 'upload' in their isolation Don't even mention the strange scene where someone steals some jewellery from the ship only for these-director to then steal it and give it to his wifeWhat a shambles.
    lisarothhaar Don't worry - no spoilers here -- nothing to spoil! So my husband I found this show right before Thanksgiving on Netflix and got hooked really, really fast! We couldn't watch the last three episodes until Thanksgiving company departed. So they did, we did and then it ended -- What in heavens name? I have repeatedly said that TV shows should not be allowed to air their finale until I have reviewed it and put the Humans of The Earth stamp of approval on it. Very, very disappointing. It was left wide open for a Season 2 which was not considered. DO NOT WATCH IT. You will be so disappointed! There was nothing the least bit satisfying about the ending -- don't tell me to use my imagination -- that is what you all get paid for! Disappointing show. Just have to sit and pout until Stranger Things comes back (but if it doesn't at least it ended well -- That gets my Humans of the Earth stamp of approval.
    Erk Alav Very clever story-line with acceptable count of goofs for the genre, very good acting, greatly produced mini-ish series. Well done to all contributors. They could have increased the number of episodes by adding silly extended love stories, intrigues, etc but they seem to have chosen not to, so, kudos one more time for that! We are looking forward to enjoying more mind-tickling stories on air soon!