The Wil Wheaton Project
The Wil Wheaton Project
| 27 May 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Wordiezett So much average
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    MTwist100 Goodtime nerdy humor. Fun references, clips and skits for geeky comic book, sci-fi types. Set in the quick paced venue of former entertainment show "The Soup" never drones on and moves into new material quickly. Its witty and sometimes campy so its not for everyone. Will is a surprisingly good host with a jovial sense of humor. I love the recurring angry Skeletor Twitter segments. There is continually lambasting of deserving Scy-Fy Channel fodder and shameless plugging of guests and advertisers. Giggle along if you have on-demand cable features you may still be able to pick up a couple episodes. I definitely hope they have a season 2!
    poe426 The biggest plus here is that THE WIL WHEATON PROJECT is, at its core, brutally HONEST. There's none of the candy-ass sugar-coating one often finds on a show of this kind: Wheaton calls them as he sees them. Nor does he tread Lightly when it comes to the crap doled out on a daily basis by The SyFy Channel itself- the very entity that has given us this show. (One wonders if some Executive(s) might take some of Wheaton's remarks to heart and set about revamping the channel into something more worthwhile...) (Not likely, I grant you, but you never know...) Besides its honesty, THE WIL WHEATON PROJECT (BECAUSE of its brutal Honesty) is laugh-out-loud hilarious. Don't miss it- it might not last long...
    Neil Martin Infantile is not the word I would like to use but it will suffice. Mr Wheaton (an old favorite of mine) has, as of yet, failed to master the delivery and in truth I doubt he ever will. I watched the first episode hoping for the best, the second because I thought the first was, well you know. I doubt if I have the endurance to watch another.And as the previous reviewer noted. And I will use his words.I came. I saw. I Wheatoned.. and I fell asleep 20 minutes into the show.. but thankfully I could watch the rest of the episode on my PC.. which afterwords that hard disc space quickly became utilized for more important things like.. empty space. Unlike that gentleman I will not give it 5 but merely 3. It is unfortunate that Mr. Crusher has fallen such. Hopefully he can recover, I hope he will.
    Joe Madden ::In my best Captain Picard Voice:: "Shut Up Wesley!" Why don't we have a Sheldon Cooper project? Is that too much to ask? I mean it's not that bad I guess.. there's other things you can be watching that are funnier tho.. like Big Bang Theory re-runs, Classic Star Trek episodes, Late Night TV Info-mercials, a blank screen... etc.I came. I saw. I Wheatoned.. and I fell asleep 20 minutes into the show.. but thankfully I could watch the rest of the episode on my PC.. which afterwords that hard disc space quickly became utilized for more important things like.. empty space. I guess I rated it a 5 because it is tolerable to watch.. as long as you are strapped in a chair with one of those medieval torture devices that are used to keep your eye-lids held open and big stocky medieval looking guys are threatening to pummel you with a mace or some type of incendiary device if you do not make it to the very end of the episode. "Shut Up Wesley!"
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