TV-MA | 25 March 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    rainabosniac What I liked most about it was the raw and humane emotions shown trough out the ten episodes. I loved how they tried to capture the captor's lives as much as Paul's. The last episode was absolutely stunning. I loved the vague way it ended, how you had to "google" more if you were interested, but even if you just left the whole Getty story at the end of "Trust" it would still be very unique and amazing. Harris Dickinson does such a good job playing JPGIII and Hilary Swank is amazing. I loved how they seemed to actually be the characters and all their complicated feelings actually felt genuine.The fact that the series didn't have such a positive outlook on the whole kidnapping and especially on the consequences was what made me fall in love with this all over again. The soundtrack was amazing, especially how they managed to incorporate two Pink Floyd songs in the first two episodes, which I generally think are songs, that are very hard to understand and not appropriate in every context.
    lindab_29 This series could be cut in half and still be too long. I wonder how true it is too.
    Portobella Im very torn on this series. On one hand I really enjoy the scenes with Donald Sutherland and Brendan Fraser but all the scenes involving the kidnappers in Italy are so cliché and the build up to the molestation of young Getty is SO londwinded and not thrilling. I feel they should have cut a lot of these scenes out and depicted the italian characters in a more nuanced fashion instead of painting a picture of all italians being potential mafiosi.
    SkyPowers Perhaps they heeded my advice about the non-linear editing? The last episodes were linear thank G. I agree with previous posts it was too long. Too arty self-indulgent. The euphemism is "Like watching a train wreck. Tragic but you just can't turn away." This miniseries was an exercise in masochism with sadism thrown in. So perhaps Rome was the ideal setting. Kudos to Sutherland, the rock that held this together. Few characters I've seen engendered more hate in me, knowing he was portraying such an evil person who actually existed. No wonder the kid was F-ed up. Swank was fantastic as the alarmed loving mother. At the end of the final teaser I was tempted to see if he really died or not. Yay! Getty senior finally admits he was wrong! I did get emotional in the final scene during that sustained rapturous hug. So raising my rating from 5 to 7 since the non-linear editing was only abusive in that one episode.
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