Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie & Clyde
TV-14 | 08 December 2013 (USA)

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    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    christopher-cole83 Are that there was a gang known as Bonnie and Clyde...They had a lawman named Frank Hamer (a real life Walker: Texas Ranger) chasing after them...And their stories converge in Louisiana when an ambush kills Bonnie and Clyde.Everything else was just filler to try to tell a story.Let's be real here though, it was A&E that put this together: Arts and Entertainment, which also owns Lifetime (conversely known as Wifetime), and History, which seems less concerned about history and more concerned about spinning a good story. With that, the cinematography is good for a "made for television" budget, and the acting is good. It isn't garbage like many reviews are saying it is. However, elements of teleplay really push what's good about this into territory that it doesn't need to go.The real history of Bonnie and Clyde is compelling enough, considering much of what they did was interpreted as desperate people fighting back against cold-hearted and nameless capitalist institutions during the Great Depression. And that a woman would get caught up in it was also compelling. Had the story stuck to that, this would have been better. There is however no need to distort the history to tell a good story when the story can stand on its own.It gets credit from me for the filming and the acting. It looses too much on the rest.
    onethousandowls I don't claim to be an expert on Bonnie & Clyde, nor even to have as avid an interest as some of the other reviews I've read pertaining to this title, but I still appreciate some degree of honesty whenever the story focuses on real characters. And I am going to go ahead and assume that this movie has more plot holes than it has bullet holes.Clyde is portrayed as more of a foil for Bonnie, who seems to boss him around and have no interest in him or anything but the thrill of notoriety. I don't know how much of this is true, but it did seem to me that Bonnie & Clyde were supposed to be lovers rather than a one-sided fling. Clyde has a weird third sight that basically serves as an ongoing spoiler and as a way to make the film more exciting (because God knows nothing else does). Bonnie just seems kind of obsessed and prone to panic attacks whenever the spotlight isn't on her.The movie basically consists of a bunch of boring dialogue, pointless historical inaccuracies, and newspapers summarizing what would be the real action of the robberies. In short, a documentary would be much more exciting and informative of Bonnie & Clyde's story.I watched this all in one 3-hour dosage on Netflix, and it wasn't so boring that it was unbearable, but it wasn't memorable or even a good way to kill my Saturday. The acting and filmography weren't all bad, but the plot and dialogue were dull and sometimes laughable.
    Bob I'll not waste your time as I've wasted enough time watching this joke of a movie. This film has the title of Bonnie and Clyde and what you get instead is a film with the most annoying soundtrack known to mankind. I would normally skip such details, but when the music doesn't ever stop, the least I can do is vent about it.Anyway, on to the film or what there was of it. If you're looking to see anything having to do with Bonnie and Clyde you've picked the wrong movie. Sure this film might read you a few sappy lines from a couple of hundred letters, but don't expect to see Bonnie or Clyde do anything. The joke that was bullets flying was not only an insult to Bonnie and Clyde, but an insult to human intelligence. I would have loved to have seen the story printed in the newspaper clippings, which the film makers was nice enough to show (instead of the real story). But that's because most of the movie portrayed Bonnie and Clyde as fashion models types. In fact, according to this movie, only thing Bonnie and Clyde actually did wrong was kiss, because that's about the only action we're allowed to see them doing.Lastly, there is a reason why they call people that star in films, actors. Because some times, they at least try to be the character, but not in this music video, no nothing like that here. Instead we get a rapid rehearsal of lines without the actors ever attempting to be in character or say the lines like there was even a point to saying them. However, in their defense,the lines were not worth saying. This film managed to skip any good parts and this is what was left over.
    colonel52 Spoilers not much but some. I don't see where to give it star rating, so will just say.I give it a 9 out of 10.I did not think this would be good , but it was. The actress who played Bonnie " Holliday Grainger " did a outstanding job with the role. She brought Bonnie to life in a compelling manner. I would have to say she was the star of the film. All the actors did a good job, and the directing was good too. The story although fictional at times was a good story.The ending is one you would never think of, but I have to say is very possible, considering that at the point of the Ambush Clyde did not have much to live for, and had said he would never go back to prison. The film indicates that Clyde set up and drove into the ambush on purpose. This is original and possible.I enjoyed watching this, and I think it is better and more factual than the 1967 W.Beatty movie. The film does portray Bonnie as a fame seeker, and active in shooting people, which goes against historical accounts.They use the false story of Bonnie shooting a cop on the ground , and saying "his head bounced like a rubber ball" a gang member who was there said this was not true, but at the time this story was used to get the public to not like Bonnie and Clyde, and it worked. So if you get a chance watch this , it is a good film.