Broad City
Broad City
TV-14 | 22 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    annabellemeyers-36575 People like to compare this show to 'Girls,' and it's easy to see why, but it's really more like a female (and better) version of Workaholics or even Seinfeld. The adventures of two people who are constantly scheming but somehow always end up back where they started. They never grow or learn or move. And it's so funny! No nastiness or mean jokes at anyone's expense. No awful cringe humor. Just female friendship, hilarious one liners, Hannibal being hysterical and dumb genius stories. Love it.
    sageeliza I try to give everything a fair shot and at the very least I'll give a show three episodes to see if I can start appriciating its style. If it wasn't for that I would have never continued watching Rick and Morty (which I now love) or other amazing shows. I started watching this one because my boyfriend recommended it and compared it to Workaholics (another show I love). That got me excited for it and I really wanted to love it. Workaholics hooked me in almost immediately. I find a good amount of charm in that show's humour, but not at all in Broad City. This show just seems viol and not at all thought out. Yes there are funny moments and I did laugh a few times, but everything else just made me cringe. Maybe I'm just not one for a gross threesome fetish with a friend who is obviously not into it, bad timed vagina jokes, and talking like burnt out valley girls. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of a good amount of popular female comics. It seems to me like 8/10 female comedians force thier humour to be as gross and obnoxious as possible and that's not something I can get behind. Call me sexist, but that's my gender right there being just straight gross for the sake of being gross. It's disappointing to say the least. What I'm most disappointed about is that I cannot add this show to my snuggle time with the boyfriend line up. He may enjoy it, more power to him, but we avoid shows that one or the other doesn't like out of respect for the other's enjoyment (which means I don't watch Rick and Morty with him). Oh well though, we have plenty of shows we enjoy together. Bottom line, I just found this show to be too gross and cringy.
    plex Ilana Glazer is a true genius, taking nothing away from her partner-in-slime; Abbi Jacobson who is superb in her own rights, Glazer has that X-factor I have not seen in a comic-actor in decades, even more than Fey, McCarthy, Shannon,Wiig, or even Radner. Broad City, a mature comedy that does develop a topic every episode ( with splinter skits), is refreshingly original, edgy, risky, modern, and always hilarious. Very well written, great guest stars, unusual predicaments, and well paced/edited/directed. Very infectious : always leaving me wanting more and eager to see the next show. I hope this has legs and runs for a while, definitely one of those series Im going to get on blu-ray when its over.
    hr-lindberg I am amazed at how not funny this show has become, the first 3 seasons got progressively better. But this fourth season is almost devoid of humor, some episodes are worse then others, but the lows really hit a new bottom each time. It feels like they lost all sense of self irony, and the only jokes that works are those with the shows side characters. I don't know why they started taking them self so serious that they cant be funny, but take the "Mushrooms" episode.At the end there is a behind the scenes bit where they talk about how it was suppose to mimic the viewer taking psychedelic mushrooms. But what we get is an mostly animated(very well done) episode that just seems to drive the character arc forward, Abby kills her boss's cat(because that is apparently what you do on mushrooms??) and gets fired.Having rewatched a couple of these episodes back to back with the old ones, i had to come back to this review and restate how incredibley bad the writing has become.