Greg the Bunny
Greg the Bunny
| 27 March 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
    ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Catherine_Grace_Zeh "GREG THE BUNNY," in my opinion, is an absolute FOX classic! I've seen every episode, and I still enjoyed it very much. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. However, I think it was always funny when a mishap occurred. I always laughed at that. Despite the fact that it was a short-lived series, it was nice that the main characters stayed with the show throughout its entire run. It seems that no one stays with a show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope they bring it back on the air for fans of the show to see.
    oxblood Excellent but short-lived cancelled series from FOX network, "Greg the Bunny" is hilarious and makes you wonder why it wasn't picked up by the Comedy Channel.Set in a world where puppets are considered a race, Greg is a rabbit puppet who lives with his human pal, Jimmy (Seth Green) who gets him a job on a kids' TV show where his father (Eugene Levy) is a director. The cast of the TV show includes a prima donna ape puppet, a Count Dracula-like puppet with a speech impediment, as well as other humans and puppets. The main theme is that everyone involved humans and puppets alike, have their own personal problems and quirks.The show is a riot especially characters like , Warren D'Montague, the thespian ape with a host of vices and the surly Junction Jack who acts like a friendly Mr. Greenjeans before the camera but has a cigarette and a griping attitude as soon as the director yells "cut".Even though shows like "The Simpsons" have been able to break the boundaries between adult and children's viewing, it's impossible to market a show like this on network TV without pointing toward children. Adults would never go for an adult puppet show. They're much too self-conscious and hypocritical to allow themselves the pleasure. However, be warned: despite it's Sesame Street references, this show is not for kids. There are way too many references to sex, drugs and alcohol, race and violence for this to be geared toward kids. It's obvious why this show was canceled by even the maverick network, FOX. Network TV could never sustain a show this unmarketable. Try to show it to kids and their parents will complain about the adult content. But adults would never give it a chance cuz it visually resembles a kid show. Kind of a Catch-22. This is the type of thing that could have gone farther on cable. Comedy Channel, Spike TV, MTV, even. Check out the DVD. All the filmed eps are there including 2 never aired. Funny stuff! Guest shots by Gary Oldman, Marilu Henner and Corey Feldman.
    iamduckydale I felt it was my duty to be the one person to say that "Greg the Bunny" was a great show and certainly didn't deserve to be canceled. The show and the characters were hilariously funny (come on Seth Green, Sarah Silverman and Eugene Levy how could you go wrong) it was definitely comedy at its best. I never encountered any one person to have a different opinion and we were all bummed out when it didn't come back for a second season. The Fox Network wasn't in the greatest state of mind during 2002 since they also canceled "The Family Guy", I only hope that the people behind "Greg the Bunny" will be smart enough to also make a DVD. I would look forward to buying it. I would also look forward to seeing this show syndicated or even picked up by another network. But since most people didn't see this show for the comedic gem that it was I'm sure that none of this will ever happen.
    CmHowell99 This show was hilarious I cannot believe it was cancelled It was about a show called Sweetkunckle Junction that had all these acting puppets the show was directed by Gil Bender then one day a bunny named Greg could not find a job so he had Gil's son Jimmy help him get a job on Sweetknuckle Junction. The show revolves around letters. One time a crew for TV guide came to interview the show Sweetknuckle Junction and everybody had a busy job to do getting prepared. Another time Gil's ex-wife planned to marry another man and that made Gil depressed. Another time Sweetkunckle Junction had to support a kid's group. So in all in all this show was hilarious shame on Fox Television for cancelling this program.
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