The John Larroquette Show
The John Larroquette Show
| 02 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Randal Greenwood The writing was very good, much in the same vein as Night Court, but situated in a bus stop managed by a recovering alcoholic (played brilliantly by John Larroquette)Other cast members were strong and believable. My favorites cast members included the cook at the coffee shop in the bus station and the hooker, and cops who frequently hung out at the bus coffee shop. Like Night Court, some episodes touched the heart, while others were just for laughs.The show followed on the heels of the canceling of Night Court in 1992 after a nine year run. Larroquette's strong showing in a supporting role as Dan Fielding opened the way for this chance at heading up a new show. I would call it a spin off and followed in the same lines as the successful Night court format of scripts and cast. While I felt the Larroquette show did a magnificent job, for some reason the show didn't capture a large enough audience and only lasted two seasons before the ax fell and the show was can-celled. Maybe a different night would have exposed the show to a larger audience.
    RashomonLaStrada John Larroquette Show had a truly brilliant first season. It was startling to have such a darkly comic show on American TV in the early 90s -- American sitcoms were still stuck in the idea that characters had to be likable and situations had to be pleasant. But he was in a bottom- of-the-barrel job, trying to be a recovering alcoholic, living in a terrible place, surrounded by people who encouraged him to drink. So of course it was too good to last...The network brought the show back for a second season but with the understanding that it had be brightened up. They had John move into a nicer place, they got him a nice decent love interest (other than Carly, the hooker), and they took the edge away from the show. Sigh.The bitter irony is that nowadays American TV sitcoms go out of their way to try to set up quirky situations and characters, but without the talent in the writing or acting that John Larroquette Show had in its day.
    pfelon Unique, funny and pure genius. This show was the perfect forum for Larroquette's abilities and he played extremely well off of the other actors. I still hold a grudge against NBC for changing, then changing, then changing, then cancelling the show. If it had not been constantly tinkered-with and toned down, it might still be running. I mean, how many comedic programs deal with a recovering alcoholic and have a prostitute as a character? With the recent explosion of television programs dealing with darker content, it's easy to see that this show was ahead of its time. I'd love to get the DVDs, though NBC may not release them.
    ddj711 I loved this show. It was a biting satire on many things and used a great cast to keep teh audience into the show. Unfortunately, which is often the case, NBC screwed the show over. It put it in bad time slots(just like Newsradio) and did not promote it at all. Too bad, it was one of the best sitcoms of the 90s. Anyways, I have seasons 2-4 on tape and am looking to get season one.
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