Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
TV-Y7 | 12 September 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    PodBill Just what I expected
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Lynn Yankee This show is so cool. I love the random slapstick humor and crazy scenarios.~ The situations and storyline are very familiar and funny. Unlike most preteen sitcoms, Ned Declassified isn't about boyfriends and popularity. It's about friendship and advice.~ On a side note, I really love the episodes with Benedict Arnold and Abe Lincoln. They're so funny, and I got a good laugh watching Arnold farting on Lincoln's popcorn in Mondays/Vice Principals and when they finally agree on how you shouldn't give up. That made me laugh out loud.~ Overall, very good show.
    tekkenfreek236 And what do they do with a good thing? Of course they cancel it! But still, this is a great kids show. It's original. The comedy is wonderful, and the actors are talented.By far, my favorite character is the janitor Gordy, who also happens to be the voice of Cosmo from The Fairly OddParents. He seems to take some characteristics from Cosmo and uses them for Gordy! The plots are usually about school, but they take the idea and run with it as far away as they possibly can! They find clever ways of making it funny without being too over the top.All in all, this is a wonderful show that I would like to see released on DVD! This show deserves more than what Nick gave it. In fact, they don't even show re-runs anymore! What's up with that? Anyway, if you ever get the chance to check this show out, then it's worth your time! It's 30 minutes of your time well spent!
    Slytherclaw It's one of those shows you watch to pass the time. The acting isn't that great, the plot isn't too developed, and it has some of the worst stereotypes displayed. It's very cliché, but I guess it's supposed to be, what with being a "school survival guide". One thing I don't get is seems as if they have like 20 minutes in between classes. Also, they seem to use cellphones a lot in school. In reality, most students would talk to their friends in between classes for a few minutes and get to class. They wouldn't be talking on the phone so freely, but they might hide their phone to text someone, as cellphones usually aren't allowed to even be in sight in school. I understand this is probably important to the plot and everything, but it still irks me. Overall, it's an okay show for younger children and preteens.
    Trolls_Suck_Ass Ned's the Classified School Survival Guide was one of those shows that I watched while doing homework, projects, or any "educational" type work that I had to do. Since I had plenty of those to do, NCSSG became a daily show that I JUST HAD TO WATCH. Every time I watched it, I laughed out loud. I mean, really loud. I even experienced some accidents while watching the show.(Not entirely true) Not only does it make me laugh, but it really taught me a lot about school. I know that most of the stuff is over exaggerating,but Ned's tips helped me tremendously during school hours. Ned's somewhat a middle school philosopher. The whole point is, the show is freaking awesome.
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