Running the Halls
Running the Halls
| 11 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Hunky Stud Only two people have left comments for this one, so I must leave one myself.I found this TV show again because of Richard speight, jr. I thought that he looked familiar when I watched "Band of Brothers". I remember seeing him in some commercials before. Some of those teenager TV show actors mostly just disappeared from the screen after a while. I am surprised that he is still very active.I always like to watch movies, TV shows about boarding schools, boarding schools have this mystery atmosphere, the students tend to come from rich, preppy families which kind of fit with my mentality. I still remember that "crazy" girl with curly hair, she talks fast.I even taped a few episodes on VHS. I still remember one scene very clearly. It was about this couple which I forgot the names, they were kissing on the lawn. And all of sudden, the sprinkle system starts to spreading water. And sun was about to set or rise, so with the sunshine and water, it created a very romantic moment, so mesmerizing. I wish I can experience that moment myself.I doubt that I will be able to see this show on TV ever again. It certainly could brought back my nostalgic teenage years.
    hellishbabe85 I must have been about 11 when this was on TV. From what i remember this sitcom was along similar lines to Saved by the bell...I remember it had the token tall, tanned, hot guy in it all the girls used to swoon over. A Zak Morris type...but less geeky. Set in a boarding school i think the main topic of each episode involved the pupils getting up to no good and trying not to get caught out by teachers. I used to love this show, wish they did re-runs! I've asked loads of my friends if they remember this programme and no one does. I'd started to think i must have imagined the whole thing - but i'm relieved to see another comment. So obviously i didn't dream it up!
    Cindy-39 I remember watching Running the Halls on NBC's Saturday morning lineup a few years back. It was about a group of high school students living at a boarding school, and it was genuinely entertaining. The actors were all quite talented, and they established the characters with unique personalities, unlike today's teen shows where the actors are pretty much interchangeable. Standouts include Trevor Lissauer, Senta Moses, and Richard Speight Jr. (who you can't turn around these days without spotting him on a commercial - he's the Zippo guy). The charm of Running the Halls came from its knowing campiness. The camerawork had a different, blurry look, similar to the way British television is shot, and the laugh track was very obviously fake. The show made no effort to be trendy or modern - I guess that's why it didn't last.