Maybe It's Me
Maybe It's Me
| 05 October 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    irehawk Yeah, the reason why this eccentric acting of the Stage family is considered too badly powerful is because of that former WB network president Jamie Kellner, who's more of a comedy type of president rather than a real TV network president, that favored to appraised the focus on it. The worst was that he went too messing this series up completely and then this series' criticism forced to discontinued it.Right now, it has been revealed that Jamie Kellner's relationship with the entire WB network should be the official caused on why the appraisal on the Stage family eccentricity was too badly powerful. Thank god, the WB network is officially shut down back in 2006.The other problem which we could not ignore on is that 16-year-old Molly stage character, who is a autistic person who should be the main one to focus on more. Reagan Dale Neis, who plays Molly, is the main actress and her name should be first on the cast lineup, not Julia Sweeney.This show deserves to get rebooted and this time, it will last more than 1 season in a low public cable network and not get messed up nor discontinued, by then. There will be same cast characters and new additional ones without replacements in it and that new actress, who plays 16-year-old Molly Stage, will be first on the cast line-up, this time also.I know Suzanne Martin, who created, produced and wrote this show, deserves another chance to reboot this show for both perfection and better. But if Suzanne watches this 2008 TV DVD movie called "Picture This!", then that should help, TBH, IMO.
    sajeeva sinniah I got to see every single episode of this series- and I just have to question- what was so bad? I thought that this kind of high school comedy was a new kind of approach which was never seen in the other TV series.The funniest sequences including Molly's personal thought's appearing in pop ups. Reagan Dale Neis gave a picture perfect portrayal of Molly- a not so popular girl in high school trying to survive the pressure of a weird family, and all the problems which a stereotypical teenager would undergo. This was pure comedy and I cannot understand why this show was cancelled. If this series ever goes out on DVD be sure to watch it – you will not be disappointed.
    MonarchJJ149 There are very few shows that I can say I have to see every week, but when the new Friday lineup on the WB started, I loved it!! Especially, "Maybe Its Me". This show displayed what its really like to be a teenager, unlike most of the shows on the WB. Although your family might not be as quirky as the Stage's, everyone knows what its like to have an embarrassing family! I will really miss the show, and I think it should be brought back on a different night.
    astymegoesby I watched the pilot twice to get this review right. The theme is refreshing and doesn't drown you with stupid teen stuff. Molly is very realistic as a teenager in the middle of nowhere. (enter) her best friend Mia Lieber (short for Lieberman or Liebowitz?) - spunky Jewish best friend ... Everything is very realistic, even the AOL IM's, finally a TV show that uses emoticons and chat lingo. Nick Gibson, a newcomer will be someone to watch for, totally cute and dreamy with just the right stuff to make it. For the pilot, out of 10 I give "Maybe It's Me" 8.