Finding Carter
Finding Carter
TV-14 | 08 July 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    Shopaholic35 This kind of situation would be so heavy for a teenager to deal with let alone her family. I cannot even imagine what thoughts would be going through your head. In saying that both Carter and her parents need to give a little instead of being so head strong. They would live a much happier life if they grieved together and then grew together.The characters are all pretty selfish individuals. I just hope it gets better for them over time. I would hate to think this is what the rest of their lives would look like. Way too depressing to contemplate.But I do actually like the show. It feels believable to me. Super dramatic but believable. I hope the second season is a little happier though.
    bellab1972 So, Carter is kidnapped at the age of 3 by what turns out to be a psychopathic not job! At the age of 16, Carter ends up with her biological family who bend over backwards to make her feel comfortable all the while Carter acts like a huge bitch! Carter was obviously dragged up by the monster who kidnapped her because Carter defends the kidnapper at the expense of her real mother! Carter has absolutely no compassion or understanding for her real mother and the hell she would have gone through for over a decade! Carter is a drug using, alcohol drinking cold hearted monster who hasn't got a clue what integrity or honour means! The parents kick a low life out of the house for teaching the younger brother to "roll a joint" but Carter still hangs out with the low life! It's a sad state of affairs when a kid hasn't got the intelligence to empathise with their real mother after being kidnapped by a psycho! What a horrible story line!! I will give this show a go but find it a little boring with too much drug use and drinking mixed with one dimensional characters! I do hope the kidnapping mother dies very soon because I am sick of her already!
    Bello-4 So for what's really a family's nightmare, Finding Carter is surprisingly a really good show. With a well developed cast of characters and an original premise, this show doesn't fall into the routine of other procedural or typical family drama as the family works to rebuild after a said crisis.There's very few things wrong with this show - namely Carter believes to easily in her kidnapping but you can't dwell on it as you've gotta move the show along. Her "twin sister" is the biggest thing wrong with the show in that it should be noted as a fraternal twin as most people hear twin and think identical and they're not. And Carter's guy/boy friend is just to dumb.It'll be interesting as the show unfolds. Hopefully we'll get flashbacks of Carter's life with her kidnapper mom, we'll see family life after she was kidnapped. Why did Lori kidnap Carter? Elizabeth's, and the authorities, hunt for Lori. We'll see how Carter impacts the family and they her. I'm glad that Carter throws down with Elizabeth, her birth mom, and still identifies with Lori, her kidnapper mom, as this show could've become a very sappy family reintegration show if it had wanted to.
    firecrackerkelly I was very skeptical about an mtv series, but gave it a try for the lovely Katt Prescott. I was pleasantly surprised! The writing and storyline is absolutely wonderful! Even with the party scenes, or rather especially with the party scenes because it adds to the reality of teenagers, the plot is captivating. The acting is also superb! Kathryn Prescott effectively makes the audience feel the emotions Carter is feeling (not to mention the fact that Prescott is from London and definitely pulled off the American accent). I feel as though I'm part of the story. Fantastic show. I recommend this for anyone who likes drama with a little mystery involved.
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