The Fosters
The Fosters
TV-14 | 03 June 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    whiteshark-71846 The fosters first episode brought potential, it started of by showing and summarizing how each character will act throughout the season however this was a terribly wrong prediction. :First Impressions: It starts with Callie in Juvenile Hall and getting herself into a fight and it then brings us to the Fosters family with Lena, Jesus and Mariana at home, and Stef at Brandon's piano recital. It the brings us to a scene where Lena first brings Callie to her home and once Callie is home she is very distant towards the family. It then brings us to the school at first a saw this school as very unique and very realistic it being right on the beach brought alot of potential. And then the episode then brings us to all the characters relationships and it later brings us a new character which is Jude a unique 12 year old who is Callies brother. While Callie is getting him his foster father who was abusive towards Jude pulls out a gun and points it towards Brandon and Callie who are trying to get Jude. Lena, Stef, and Mike Brandon's dad who are worried where Brandon is since he has a piano recital the same day come to Callie and Brandon and arrest the abusive foster father. In this episode no one was punished however, later in the episodes Brandon was punished because Mike wanted him to be. This first episode brought alot of potential now with five kids Lena, and Stef have alot to deal with and throughout these scenes I started to see the family dynamics, Lena and Stef are laid back while Mike was a bit more about discipline. Brandon was the most sophisticated since he was the smartest one and he was very talented at the piano, Jesus and Mariana would be the average teenagers who have would have relationships that ended quickly and dramatically, and Callie would be the shy troubled girl with Jude being the odd and confused young teen. :Full Impressions: However my predictions were totally wrong since all of the characters think in illogical ways they all make the worst decisions they possible can and their is no sophisticated person. How the family really works is, Stef and Lena are neglectful parents prone to not punishing their kids even if they do something punishable by expulsion from the school or full out illegal like drinking or getting high. They there kids are the average teenager like how average teenager gets drunk ever month and throws a party immediately on the first time their parents leave them home alone for a day and also when they can predict an event seconds before it happens (like when Callie says hopefully nothing bad happens and legitimately 10 seconds passed and a couple a stupid teens broke a massive window in their house) and who run away for almost no reason, who have sex with an adult and who get into illegal activities like getting involved with bootleggers and selling fake id's and also breaking into the school to sell id's while stealing expensive technology for no reason what so every. Yes as a teenager myself I have done all of this and that is why I am locked up in a maximum security prison. These teens are so messed up and make some of the stupidest mistake you can possible make. And they don't even get punished other than Brandon loosing the ability to play classical piano. Their parents are so forgiving for their tasks even though the things they do can make you go to prison and yet Lena wants another child so that she can just neglect all her terrible actions she does. :Character Summation: Also these characters make the worst decision when it comes to relationships and family-matters. Brandon's relationships are the absolute worst, He first breaks up with his girl friend (to lazy to remember the name), to love his sister Callie which doesnt actually end in the way he wants it to because again its his sister and this goes on basically for the first to seasons, and he then ends sort-of with a girl in his band he join later in season 2, this then ends were I stopped due to utter discontent back with Callie after she makes alot of terrible choices. Family wise he was asked to live with Mike but then when he says yes changes his mind (which was one of the stupidest discussions) after Mike buys him a new expensive upright piano which for me actually made me hate Brandon and made me sympathetic for Mike. He then moves back and forth from Mike and the Fosters house because of his terrible antics, and then has sex with Dani which I would not say was his fault but that happening just shows the show wants to make all the characters miserable.Callie relationships started with everything I wanted but ended in the opposite of everything I wanted. In the first 2 seasons she starts out with Wyatt who she constantly breaks up with and the episode I ended up at she essentially broke up with him because he was trying to protect her and she thinks she doesnt need protection so its Wyatts fault even though Wyatt is probably one of the only characters I dont hate but the show just hate me and ends the relationship with Callie being in the right and Wyatt being in the wrong. And she also is periodically in love with Brandon at random moments which is the stupidest choice she can make. Her family-matters is that she has essientially 2 dads one who raised her and her biological one. The one who raised her cant take her in since he can't afford her, and her biological one wants to take her in but Callie wants to be adopted by the negligent Fosters even though Robert (the biological father) is rich and actually loves her and probably would be way better than living with the fosters with alot less drama. But she decideds that she needs make the worst possible choice by saying she doesnt love him and basically become apathetic with him and then she kisses Brandon which essientially made it impossible for her to go with anyone since she destroyed her chances with the Fosters because she is inlove with Brandon and destroyed her chances with Robert since she basically says she thinks their rich selfish bigots. This pretty much made me quit the fosters and give up completely their terrible choices. Mariana and Jesus have kinds similar relationships and their family matters are basically similar. Jesus basically has billions of different girlfriends that each end because of a single fight or a single flaw in their relationship essentially causing him to be a hopeless romantic, I gave up on Jesus the moment he broke up with Lexi since at this point I knew he would just have countless different relationships that end up the moment he calls them bossy or weird, essentially a single word can cause Jesus to break up with someone. And of course he just exacerbates this because instead of backing down he keeps on going neglecting the fact how feeble his relationships are. Mariana's relationships are different but its mainly Mariana being to picky and wanting to much of the person. Their family matters is just insane. Their Mom wants money for them so they give it to her neglecting the fact that she keeps on asking for it and never actually changes. Ana is actual a weird character since every time she sees Jesus and Mariana she looks like she just lost everything she loved even though when she is without them she acts normal. Overall I hate Ana and think she is just a really weird character. And their relationship with Ana is really weird. Overall their relationship and family matters are all over the place and are broken. Jude is the final teen/tween and although I don't hate him as a character the way the director made his story-line is just cliche and terrible. Jude is basically persuade as a queer person he only has one friend which is Connor (side note basically everyone in the show has one friend which is unrealistic to me since most high-school students would have much more then one friend which just shows the laziness of the writers), Connor's dad saw Jude touching Connor's back since he was sad and immediately thought JUDE IS GAY! Which basically destroyed Jude as a character. Seriously I wanted one person to not have drama but the writers decided even the most innocent and nice character just needed to have miserable life to. I have sympathy with Jude since he makes no bad decisions but I hate how the writers had to corrupt Jude too. Pretty much every adult who isn't Mike, Stef, Lena or Robert,or the girls united adult (who in my opinion is a real amazing character), are seen either as corrupt or as a rapists or abusive/overprotective. And all the parents are don't discipline their children. :Final Conclusion: The main reason I hate this show is because every single decision and option a character they have the make the opposite of what I want them to make. They make the opposite of the decision i think is probably the best. Its not that this show is bad its just when you constantly see characters who make decisions that you wouldn't make you can't relate at all since you do not have sympathy for them. Its also very cliche with more cliches then I can even count. This show is very predicting I pretty much could predict the relationship each character would have because if the character interacts with a person from their opposite gender it basically means they would get into a relationship with them. :Final Message: In Conclusion this show is very predictable, over dramatic, every character is stupid and the story line is milked with the most amount of drama possible and the characters making the worst choices possible basically making every single action overly dramatic and overly eventful. If this was a true story this would probably be the best interpretation of it but since it was created it just feels so unrealistic and unrelatable I can't sympathize with anyone, acting good everything else terrible.
    andresmv-27699 This show tries to stop homophobia, racism, and show the reality about this world. World is corrupted and this show tries to demonstrate it.
    suzidap I´m watching on netflix, so I haven´t watched the whole series. What I can say so far (after 4 seasons): it is like a soap opera, in which you get attached to the characters and want to see what happens to them, you will root for some couples, be annoyed with others, and get mad with some of them. In the beggining, it is very interesting, mostly because of the topic about the foster system and the family formation. I just think that they exagerated a bit with the "important issues" and the story gets a little artificial. I understand that it is important to talk about some matters, and the show does it in a really gentle and sensitive way, but sometimes it just seems like too much; it becomes hard to believe that EVERY TIME something really problematic is happening with a group of teenagers. But anyway, it is a sweet show that got my attention and I think it can bring important information as well.
    ashnagulati ABC TV's "The Fosters" created by Bradley Bredeweg and Peter Paige,starring Maia Mitchell, Cierra Ramirez, David Lambert, Hayden Byerly, Sherri Saum, Teri Polo, Dany Nucci among other wonderful actors premiered on television in 2013.For those of you who haven't had the chance to know The Fosters,it is an American family drama that follows the lives of the Foster family,led by lesbian couple Stef and Lena,a cop and school vice principal,respectively,who raise one biological and four adopted children in San Diego,California.The Fosters, in my opinion, is by far the most INCLUSIVE TV series I have ever seen.Within 5 seasons and just over a 100 episodes it has educated over millions of people about themes as wide as LGBTQ, Racism, the institutionalization of children and, as though this was not enough, even the defend DACA has been dragged into the limelight recently in the show under the episode #IWasMadeInAmerica.All these themes seem to rebel against the political framework and stereotypical walls within which humanity is being contained.This defiance has been put forward in a fashion that no show I have ever seen has been able to.This only shows that the entire cast and crew, from the actors to the writers to the directors have been courageous enough to break the silence and call wrong, WRONG!The Fosters, with its unique story, has managed to normalize the ABNORMAL to a large extent.It has helped everybody ask questions like,"How many times have we tried to steer away from people who have defined themselves outside the boxes of man and woman?" or "How many times have we let prejudice cloud our ability to love and befriend?"Most of all, The Fosters has broken right through that wall of silence that every other franchise was scared to touch, perhaps.It has , in its forthright portrayal, hit at the walls of prejudice again and again, until now, when all other people have had the courage to come and bring it down themselves.So much has been the impact of the show that I saw someone tweet the other day that,"Stef and Lena didn't just have five kids, they had kids in every corner of the world."A show like The Fosters , that is willing to openly challenge long inscribed stereotypes, is very hard to come by amidst the wide volley of mainstream entertainment.It is highly admired around the world, for it has given a sense of belonging and courage to so many struggling people out there(EVEN ME), which interestingly reflects in the choice for the theme song "Where we belong" by Kari Kimmel.As The Fosters is coming to an end with it's last few episodes on air, it is just as heartbreaking as it was with Harry Potter a decade ago.But, if there is any way we can keep the show alive, is by imbibing the spirit of what the show stands for.The Fosters is a family that extends to everybody from the North Pole to the South, all through the globe.It is inclusive of everybody and does not distinguish, be it in the color of the skin or the color of the passport.We'll all be a part of the family as long as we have love in our heart and kindness in our souls.M L Stedman once said,-"Every ending is the beginning of something else"And the ending of The Fosters will lead to an era of love that will fight to survive, an era of courage that will override doubt and an era of belonging, the belonging to humanity.Thank you "Fosters"