Life Is Wild
Life Is Wild
| 07 October 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Animohn I know it is based on a British TV show, but, while I don't get why anyone would produce a remake while the original is still being filmed, I loved this show. I was deeply disappointed after I found out there won't be a second season and I get angry about this fact every time I re watch the show. I think it's great that there is/was a show about moving to Africa for a younger target-group. Most TV shows about or from Africa are more heavy and serious (I don't mean that this is generally bad). I'm personally a big fan of happy endings and shows that have a bit of a moral focus as well. Anyway for me it's a lighthearted, fun teenage/family drama.To be fair I should mention that the original is also good (though I knew 'life is wild' before 'wild at heart') but it is not published in my mother language and while I watch multiple shows in English some of the actors in the original are quite hard to understand for me. But judging from the few episodes that where dubbed and the rest in English I enjoy life is wild more because it is more relateable to me and in my opinion adds more small sidejokes to the drama than the original while the original is a little bit more serious.
    Wolfhawk838 I have been watching the series since its inception and I thoroughly enjoy it. It is a novel approach to a family story and family situation, albeit it is in South Africa which adds to the charm. While it sometimes causes me pause to keep track of the relationships the various members have to each other in the family, when I stop and think about it, it becomes more real, because that is what modern families are like. It is a joined family with mom and dad each having children when they marry, and the move to South Africa is to better cement the relationships among the various members and ensure bonding. They move into a motel-like situation which they decide to turn into an Eco-friendly resort, with mom essentially in charge. Dad is a veterinarian and is increasing the number of animals on the preserve to have more for the tourist-visitors to enjoy. They are hindered, for the most part lovingly, by dad's first wife's father who lives there and ran the place before they came. He objects to hard work,mostly, but also lots of other changes. The oldest boy and girl are in high school and in trouble of one sort or another almost continuously. It is enjoyable to see how they get out and how they are growing to adulthood. I most identify with Chase, the younger boy, who personifies what I was like at that age,pretty much of a loner trying to fit in. Played by K'Sun Ray I feel much for his plight. The story is well worth plugging into, very enjoyable.
    jokerjokerer This show is just perfect. It has the necessary adrenalin but not to much, it has some drama but not to much, just the needed one. At least in the first 12 episodes.I started watching it from the start. It just catch my attention. The first Episode I saw because the film started with Avril's Runaway song and I had read somewhere this particular information. But after the first five minutes I realized that the show is quite amazing and no way that I'll miss another part. The humor in it is always a little sarcastic but it fits quite well into the story.If I were to make as brief introduction of it I would say just this. Perfection. I think this can be a example for other series of how must be a show made. Just mixes up everything but in the perfect combination.It's sad that most of the people don't give this show the same equal chances that give towards a very aggressively promoted ones. But sadly now days near the quality another factor pumped up in our life. The power of influence. Just a few people can make a difference between quality and what's made brand. Series like, Lost for example, are quite low if we measure they quality, but it's stylish to watch it. SO tomorrow when you meet with Joe you can say hey I have seen Lost last week.But if anyone sacrifices just five minute to look beyond marketing and appearance will realize what this show is. The good job done by the producers. Learn to resist marketing and it shall change the quality of your life. This means sacrifice and determination for it, but once you do so you shouldn't regret it. Trust me on this! This show earned my respect and I'm confident that so will yours!
    RockinChristianTeacher When I first saw the preview for this series on television, I thought that it might be an interesting show. However, I wasn't scrambling to to watch every episode because other shows piqued my interest more. I have recently watched two episodes online-- Umbuntu and Open for Business. The pilot was unavailable at the time, but i did go back and skim through it at a later date. Others may have my initial feelings about the show. My thinking was that there were better series' on TV. That was until i watched the episode after the pilot (umbuntu). It was captivating and funny and had characters who could actually act! In high school, i always wanted to get away from my life. I would have loved to have moved away to some other country for a year. This family gets to do that and we as the audience get to watch their trials, tribulations, and victories as a blended family in a strange country trying to make their life work.