Scout's Safari
Scout's Safari
| 05 October 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    Kirpianuscus A serie for children. the educational purpoise is obvious. but, in same measure, its virtue is to show, from a not usual perspective, Africa. and that because the African realities are more than pretext or stage but the star of serie. a film about family, friendship and animals,, values and manner to discover, step by step, the real life. so, at first sigh, nothing special. but nice for be an useful lesson about values and different culture.
    gilligan1965 Originally, I was going to title this review "New York City dingbat finds an education and purpose in Africa." However, 'Scout' actually turns out to be a cool kid!I may be very bias in my review of this show, but, I love Africa! I love its peoples; landscapes; jungles; deserts; flora and fauna(plants and animals); history; customs; etc; etc!I love and equate this TV show with "Hatari;" "Daktari;" "Born Free"(movie and TV show); "White Lion;" "To Walk With Lions;" "Beautiful People;" "The Lion Who Thought He Was People;" "An Elephant Called Slowly;" "The Lion Cub From Harrods;" "Christian The Lion;" "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom;" etc. Also, even more distantly-related movies set in Africa like "The Wilby Conspiracy;" "Zulu;" "Zulu Dawn;" "The Gods Must Be Crazy;" etc. I love it...I love it all! :)I began watching this show with my then-toddler Son when it first came out in 2002...hence, my original title after seeing 'Scout' acting like a spoiled little ditzy bimbo. But, as the episodes went on, I became more and more interested in this; and, especially more interested in the South African wilderness. Scout eventually became a cool kid!Traveling in Africa and enjoying its wilderness scenery and all it has to offer is a blessing for anyone, whether you actually go there, or, see it on's splendid!This is a great show, and, it's sad that it lasted for only two seasons. Likely because most kids nowadays (from about 1999 to now) don't like or appreciate anything unless they can blow-up or destroy something or someone with their computer cyber games while remaining idle and getting fat and lazy on donuts and soda.Such a shame! This was a great show...all the way! :)
    missmanda05 On Saturday mornings I sometimes watch Discovery Kids on NBC. One day I caught this show and thought, "who put this on the air?" The acting is not good at all and the main character (scout) is annoying. How much longer can this show last?
    bcolquho Scout, her mother, and brother, are in South Africa. Scout's mother is a photojournalist on assignment for an unnamed naturemagazine, probably National Geographic or Smithsonian. Scout's friends include a Zulu. The country of South Africa's the real star. The humans are merely the supporting cast.