Angel's Revenge
Angel's Revenge
| 06 January 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ploydsge just watch it!
    Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    martin-fennell Korean drama -Well, we've seen it all before. But how many versions of Hamlet are there. It's not the fact, there is nothing original here, but how it's done. This is done very well. I found it totally compelling from beginning to end. Yes, there are things you could baulk, the usual plot contrivances. But there are some nice touches too. I guess what's important, is that you care for the characters, and want to know what what's going to happen to them. Perhaps the idea of a pivotal character seeming to reappear was a bit too convenient, but I'll overlook it. As for the cast, the acting was average at best. That is except for Choi Jae-Won who was wonderful as the childlike Woo-Hyeon. At the other end of the scale, the most irrating character was Poong-Ho played by Lee Doll-Hyung. Well at least I found him annoying when he was crying. One thing puzzled me. There is a moment in one of the episodes where leading man what happened to her sister, and who is responsible. But later it's as if that never happened.