Charlie Jade
Charlie Jade
| 16 April 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ada the leading man is my tpye
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Data-1001 First off, let me state that the first episode is rather slow going. I must admit that I was close to giving up on it until the tail end of the episode, but was glad I stuck it out. I was hooked shortly thereafter.Very intriguing characters -- especially '01 Boxer', who, as played by the fascinating Michael Filipowich, is driven by motivations which only become clear later in the season -- along with a unique setting and intricate plots and subplots make "Charlie Jade" a standout amongst sci-fi series.There are arcs in many of the main characters which keep the viewer wondering what will happen from episode to episode. And I appreciated the fact that certain things weren't always completely spelled out; you are left to contemplate and figure some things out for yourself.While it seems obvious they were leaving the door open for additional seasons, there is enough of a resolution to the series that the viewer will not be left hanging and unsatisfied at the end of the first (and only) season. If you can find this on DVD or somewhere else on cable TV, I recommend it to any sci-fi fans who are willing to stick with a truly engrossing story.
    folkie-imdb This is a response to someone who called the show "Mesmerisingly bad".Charlie Jade is NOT a show that you can jump into as you channel surf.More to the point, I can't think of any other show that would come close to Charlie Jade in *seeming* to be "mesmerisingly bad" if one tried to jump in to the occasional episode now and then.I really liked the show. I cared about the characters. I didn't know how I could deal with their problems. No clever and satisfying solutions presented themselves. Often the characters' progress seemed barely worth their trials. And the writers introduced one very neat twist to alternate reality story-telling: that some people might behave very differently while visiting different realities.I was very disappointed when they wound up this show prematurely. But in hindsight, it seems predictable: despite PVR's and TV-series transferred to DVD, it's still too expensive to make television shows that are horrible for channel-surfers.
    Robert Collins Jade is still waiting to be discovered. This beautifully written, moody complex but dramatically compelling work is in fact what so many shows and films have claimed to be, but aren't, the spiritual TV inheritor of Blade Runner.The cinematography is terrific I think and the mix of languages, looks and environments is both other-worldly and gritty.This show has yet to have it's day, whether through VOD or television I predict it will be 'discovered by the right combination of powers-that-be in the US.I hope to see other work by this group of artists.
    Will Carroll (ElvesBrew) In the vein of John Doe and The 4400, Charlie Jade is an intelligent character driven sci-fi series shot in and around Cape Town, South Arfica. The unique location of South Africa gives the show a refreshingly different atmosphere compared to the standard fare of Hollywood back lot sets that we see in the vast majority of television shows being broadcast today.The concept of parallel universes is by no means a new idea, even a little worn, but the excellent acting and contrasting character studies give the concept new life and I for one, have quickly developed an attachment to this series.I hope the show is able to find a USA venue as that would help to insure a second season but so far the show is only seen on SPACE and a smattering of small countries including South Africa, Korea, France, Japan, Italy, and Romania. I believe it is seen on Space in both Canada and the UK.If you like sci-fi and have access to this series I think you will find Charlie Jade an intelligent, fulfilling, and entertaining experience.Will