| 09 January 1995 (USA)

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    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    nozcr Spellbinder was a multi part serial centering on an Australian Boy who falls through a dimensional tear and finds himself in a parallel universe that resembles an eastern European country (because it was filmed in an eastern European country). The boy finds his way back to Australia, but is followed by some eastern European villains. Eventually the boy's scientist father sorts it all out and returns everyone from the alternate universe back to where they belong.It lasted approximately 26 episodes and ran on the Disney Channel in the summer of 1996. As far as I know, it marked one of the first co-productions between eastern Europe and the western world and cleared the way for such notable eastern European films as Cold Mountain, Hellboy, and the latest in the Chucky the Killer Doll series.
    miss_niss This is one of the scariest kids shows ever made. At least for me as a kid. Lost in other dimensions these kids were far from home, and Ashka is one of the best villains ever. She was so scary! I used to have nightmares about her! My memories of the show are dim but I remember being scared to death of her. The special effects were not too bad either, but then this was in the days before computer generated images. It had really good plot twists though, and was open for another series or two. I never saw the telemovie though. Anyway I wish they would repeat the series on channel nine, or at least give it to the ABC, they're always airing old shows.
    juil1230 A very good children's program contains a suspenseful plot and situations on a level where children would be able to comprehend the storyline. An excellent children's program contains all these things and yet, captivates an older audience. Spellbinder definitely is an excellent children's program from my perspective.Paul reynolds is a boy in his mid-teens who opens a world-portal by playing with electricity and is lost in a world of civilization where the industrial revolution never happened, and science never advanced. A a person of the 21st century, he becomes hunted by the world's leaders: spellbinders for his chemical knowledge on how to make gunpowder on top of his attempts to get home. He finds a friend, Riana who helps him throughout the storyline. Much of the story involves Pauls plight and in returning home, but is also extended, when Riana becomes lost in our world therefore putting the storyline in reverse. The story picks up in pace when one of the spellbinders, Ashka realises that she can use the science of our world to dominate hers, and the main characters are now faced with trying to stop her.(That is the most brief version i could come up with to summarise the enormous 26 episode long series.)What really proves captivating is the cinema art used to create the parallel world and the way the audience learns with the characters about each others worlds. There is very good acting by both the young and old cast and a lot of credit must be given to the shows artwork designers.Overall, "Spellbinder" is a highly recommended Australian television program which has very good ideas to excite the imagination of both children and adults alike.
    ragstorichesfan I love this series - it is the first time in a while that there has been a cliffhanger series on tv- it got you to the point where you had to see it the following week - sometimes the week was unbearable to get through to find out what happened! im so glad i recorded them - as the disney channel only reaired them once. The Fox Family channel aired a sequel series - which was good but not as good. Ashka was totally evil! she was an awesome villian - i highly recommend this australian sci fi series!!!