The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone
TV-PG | 02 October 1959 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    knicksjr Can not stop watching it the complex the mystery I love it
    Benemon Rod Serling´s Twilight Zone is probably one of the best, acclaimed and most well known TV Shows of the old Days. Even after Decades it will fascinate and suprise Audiences. A shame if i wouldn´t give Twilight Zone a 10/10.
    jvance-63849 If the average person of today viewed Twilight Zone for the first time it would be easy to find flaws. Many of the stories are topical for the time in which they were written and the format and budget constraints necessitated distilling complexity into black-and-white simplicity. As an anthology series, there was no recurrent cast of characters with whom to bond nor a consistent story line to follow. The nature of the television market today isn't favorable for a program where each episode is a stand-alone event that needs to grab a weekly audience who has little or no clue what will be telecast. In that sense, The Twilight Zone is an anachronism whose time is past. But viewed through the prism of the era, when homes had only one television and few channels, when the nation's culture was rapidly changing, when public scientific knowledge was much less - if seen that way, it is astonishingly superb. Mr Serling was a daring writer, tackling difficult topics in a manner that was "politically incorrect" long before the phrase existed. He dreamed up story line scenarios that many viewed as too unsettling for 1950s America and stuck them out there every week, doing so with remarkably consistent excellence. He was a talented troublemaker who managed to slide by the censors and standards of the time, by no means a minor feat. No doubt some of the shows were total misses, and today look really bad. But most were good to extraordinary and they mark the Twilight Zone as a tremendous accomplishment. I don't know if Twilight Zone episodes are available for streaming but if so, they're worth a look for anyone who hasn't seen them. Many sites offer suggestions regarding the best episodes to view. Take a chance, they're short and sweet - and entertaining.
    tsmith417 I was about 10 or 12 when "Twilight Zone" was in its heyday and my parents would let us watch it every week; my whole family looked forward to it.When taken one episode at a time it's a masterpiece of early television, and Rod Serling is a veritable genius who could weave words together beautifully and effortlessly. But now, 45 years later, I've been watching marathons of "Twilight Zone" and I have to say that when you watch 20 episodes in one day it becomes rather disturbing.Rod Serling was apparently a very troubled man because he had several depressing, recurring themes in his stories (I must say here that it is possible that some of the stories were written by other writers, and I apologize if I'm giving Mr. Serling too hard a time, but the themes seem to remain the same).What we see, time and time again, in the episodes are these themes: - weak husbands with shrewish wives who force the men to work at jobs they hate - mean men who take delight in belittling women - a fear of what we might find in outer space - a fear of being conquered by beings from outer space - a hatred of machines that are devoid of human kindness and compassion - regret, sadness, and longing for "the good old days" - complete and utter hopelessness for the whole of mankind.Inanimate objects take on human characteristics and then try to get rid of their human owners. Humans are at the mercy of time and wish to remain young at any cost. Man is beaten down at every opportunity and death is welcomed and longed for as the only way to escape the ugliness of this world.Very few episodes have what you might call a happy ending; at the most some of them have an ending that is just slightly optimistic, but the viewer knows that this tiny bit of happiness won't last very long.I still watch "Twilight Zone" and still enjoy it for the artistic value and intellectuality that is sorely lacking in newer television series, but I am watching them now thru different, older eyes, and can't help but feel sorry for the man behind it, whose mind was so obsessed with these troubling thoughts.