What a beautiful movie!
To me, this movie is perfection.
The greatest movie ever made..!
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Yes I watched this sometimes but I was 13 and I was overdue to see it again and appreciate it more now than I am nearly 70. Suddenly, ME TV has brought it back. I happened to see an episode with Martin Landau and I was utterly dumbfounded by its excellence. I was shocked to see the beautiful and young Shirley Knight as well (the mother in As Good As It Gets). The episode was about a time conundrum and it was gripping and heartbreaking.The Outer Limits was at the time considered a gimmick, a Twilight Zone imitator, but I see clearly now 50 years later: it was not. Unlike the cynical, tongue in cheek typical Twilight Zone, this is dark and brooding and frightening. It is not a little half hour playlet; it is a one hour long drama, relentlessly upsetting, disturbing and uplifting all at the same time. I have set it to record all episodes now. They are just showing two per week on Saturdays.I was dismayed to look it up just now and find it was cancelled in the middle of the second season because it didn't draw in viewers after it was moved to another day.Great actors, great scripts, a noble TV show, totally underrated!
Dave Beckham
After watching all of the Outer Llimits episodes and keeping in mind that this was made in the early sixties when the U.S.A. was confronted with Vietnam, Women's Rights, Equalitity for Non-Whites, Murder of a President, his brother and an attack on a top Politician as well as the murder of a Civil Rights Leader, it's amazing to see how often this series was critical of USA lifestyle and beliefs back then (and now for many) when criticism of the Nation was not "in" at all. Themes such as women's expectations of life and the evil aspect of slavery are the true subject in " A Feasibility study" or "big brother-like" seductive technology in "O.B.I.T" is just another example of the wide range of social themes handled in this excellent series. The thing that makes horror and Sci-Fi great is not special effects but rather the abrupt breakdown of everything we call and take comfort in being "normal".
I was just getting out of the air Force in 1963 at age 21. I never missed an episode in all the years it ran on network TV. It is my all time favorite Sci-Fi show. Intelligent, far reaching and creative. I watched all the re runs while they were still coming on TV but alas, I guess they are not being shown any longer. Just reading the comments of the people on the forum I have found kindred spirits who appreciate something great that happened to us as we experienced the Outer Limits over the years. All the wonderful present day stars and great character actors that we saw make their early TV debuts were on the show. I have so many favorite episodes that I won't mention them here as others people have named them exactly as I would have. I wish people today could appreciate what the writers and actors who put on the show gave to us in the area of science fiction TV. FYI,I found out that on Netflix using the Watch Now feature for members I can watch the entire first season 32 episodes on my PC for free. A total of 4 discs, the second season is only available to rent the last 17 episodes on 3 discs.
Okay, I got to admit between Twilight Zone and Outer Limits I always preferred Outer Limits. It sickens me how many good shows died after two seasons in the 1960s. F-Troop, Addams Family, Munters and Outer Limits all died after two season and what I heard not always because of bad ratings. Some idiot exec decides he doesn't like a certain show and the hell with the ratings. I'm glad that we the people have more say these days and another good reason I'm glad I missed the sixties. Anway back to the OUTER LIMITS of television. The reason why I like Outer Limits more then Twilight Zone is Outer Limits have more monsters, they have more interesting plot lines. Outer Limits gave it's message without beating you in the head, not that Twilight Zone did. But some modern shows and movies have a tendency to do that. Some of the climaxes of the shows were kind of sad, and some of the monsters were a tad goofy. But as a whole I liked it. 9 STARS