Night Visions
Night Visions
| 12 July 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    Aaron_da_miller 1. The Passenger List 5/10- Has some cool ideas behind it, but nothing really new or shocking. The Bokor 4/10- The dead body is legitimately worth watching for how ridiculously funny it looks. Bad acting and mediocre script.2. Dead Air 7/10- Lou Philip Diomand really holds this episode together. Some creepy scenes and good acting make this one stand out.Renovation 5/10- Very predictable from the beginning, which makes the rest of the episode a bit of a chore to sit through and not very scary.3. A View through the window 6/10- Really cool sci-fi concept and a good story. I feel it could have been elaborated on a bit though. Great Ending.Quiet Please 7/10- Cary Elwes was pretty good in this episode. Kind of a comedy up until the end.4. Now He's Coming Up the Stairs- 5/10- Okay episode, nothing really scary or good about it though.Used Car 8/10 - Great acting. A few mediocre jump scares and a decent story.5. Rest Stop 2/10- Nothing but a load of dud false jump scares, where people sneak up on their friends or a friend is standing right behind them when they turn around. No tension and no scares.After Life 6/10- First half was a little slow, but the second half makes up for it. Good ending too.6. If a Tree Falls... 6/10- Gets some credit for being interesting and being an original take on a generic subject.The Occupant 5/10- Okay episode. The main character was stupid and annoying throughout, but had some good tension towards the end and a nice climax.7. Reunion 4/10- Had some good acting but everything was so predictable.Neighborhood Watch- 6/10- I liked this one a bit. It had some good acting and I liked the scenario.8 Bitter Harvest 6/10- Pretty decent episode. Good ending.My So Called Life and Death- 7/10 - While predictable, I still really enjoyed this episode. 9 The Doghouse 7/10- Had some really good scenes in it.Still Life 6/10- The beginning was slow, but the resolution made the entire segment worth it.10 Hate Puppet 8/10- I really liked the concept and execution. The acting was pretty decent as well. My main problem was I felt the ending was a bit anti climatic.Darkness 4/10- This one had such promise with the premise. Shadow people are one of my favorite (and most underused) horror elements. This one was a letdown from its premise. I feel a full length movie and a bigger budget would have been more suited.11. The Maze 8/10- Thora Birch is always fun to watch. This episode had a great premise and an excellent execution. One of the best of the series.Harmony 5/10- Some interesting questions were brought up as to what was going on, but the ultimate answers provided were not well implemented. The finale was really bad as well.12. Cargo 3/10- This episode was kind of stupid. Jaime Kennedy was not the problem, and was pretty decent in this. It was just the fact that nothing happened until the end and the twist was stupid.Switch 9/10- This is the best episode of the series. It was trippy and surreal, with some music video editing. I liked the story and the acting, while a little meh, was good enough.13. Patterns 7/10- Really great acting from both the leads. I liked the ideas behind the story. Towards the end, it gets a bit comical, but it was still really good.Voices 5/10- Started out with some potential, but kind of turned for the worse towards the end.
    timz77 I liked the show so much, I bought the entire series (all 26 episodes) so I could see all the ones I had missed. SAY WHAT?! Oh, yes - they're out there all right, you just have to find an individual that took the time to record them on TIVO and them put them on DVD. The DVDs I have are really great quality - I'm glad I found them! If anyone wants to contact me for more info let me know. timz77@yahoo.comOnly 26 Episodes were finished (including 6 Never Originally Aired Episodes with Host Henry Rollins.)Night Visions Episode List: 1. The Passenger List 2. The Boker 3. Dead Air 4. Renovation 5. A View Through A Window 6. Quiet, Please 7. Now He's Coming Up The Stairs 8. Used Car 9. Rest Stop 10. After Life 11. If A Tree Falls... 12. The Occupant 13. Reunion 14. Neighborhood Watch 15. Bitter Harvest 16. My So Called Life & Death 17. The Doghouse 18. Still Life 19. Hate Puppet 20. Darkness 21. The Maze 22. Harmony 23. Cargo 24. Switch 25. Patterns 26. Voices
    MovieMilhouse21 Night visions was an extremely good show. It has a Twilight Zone quality to it. The stories are very well written and often blow you away when you see the ending. I would recomend anyone to check out this show if the can find it.
    chalz If I had to describe what I've seen of this series so far (4 episodes) in one word: pedestrian.I found the stories to be trite and predictable. There was little originality - mostly old stories as the basis. It's like 'The Outer Limits', but in the 'Young Adults' section. Henry Rollins, while I dig him well enough, does a rather unconvincing job with the 'punchlines' at the end.If you want a cute 30 minute piece with an actor or two you'll easily identify, go ahead. Otherwise, I say stick to 'The Outer Limits'.