Keen Eddie
Keen Eddie
TV-14 | 03 June 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    TesaRants I found this series by accident when looking for a new action series to watch and I was totally surprised how good it was although short lived.The choice of actors and quality of acting is great. The writing is fantastic and far fresher than much newer shows. The editing and choice of music are superb. A great director/creator put this together for sure.I can't believe that they had canceled it. I loved it but had a hard time finding the episodes.The stories are not very big but they are sharp and edgier than usual and surprises are introduced that add dept and humor.
    blanche-2 "Keen Eddie" was a sort-lived TV series, set in Britain and starring the hunky Mark Valley of Boston Legal and several other series. It also stars Sienna Miller, Julian Rhind-Tutt, and Colin Salmon, familiar to all fans of the Helen Mirren "Prime Suspect." Eddie (Valley) is an American detective assigned to Scotland Yard, where his out of the box maneuvers annoy his supervisor (Salmon). His partner (Rhind-Tutt) is a long-haired, solemn-faced guy who likes sex clubs; and Eddie's flatmate -- she's the landlady's daughter (Miller) is bothered by his presence and the presence of his dog, Pete.This is such a terrific show -- I loved it when it was on the air, and now I'm enjoying it on Netflix since I didn't see all the episodes. I love the characters, the acting, the stories, the humor, and the British setting. Valley is such an attractive man and so good, I have no idea why the series didn't stay on the air.There's a technique used in the editing - I'm sure there's a name for it - where there are split second images of something earlier in the episode, or something the character is thinking. Seeing it week to week, it's no problem, but watching it like I am, one after the other, it can give one a headache. That's my only complaint.I have no idea why a series that was so well-done couldn't last on American television. In thinking about it, I guess that's the problem -- it was too well done and not dummied down enough, I guess.
    Dave (swiftymcveigh187) I cant add much more than has been added, only get my name in among the Keen Eddie fans.I have never forgiven, nor have I forgotten, Fox for running Keen Eddie during the World Series. I can remember the baseball games ending and Keen Eddie would be halfway through. Of course it wasn't going to get good ratings. No one wants to watch half a show, especially if they don't know the premise of the show.About a year later I was at Best Buy and contemplating which King of the Hill season I wanted to get. I had season 3 in my hand, then I caught Keen Eddie out of the corner of my eye, threw down KotH, and purchased Keen Eddie without even looking at the case. I thought "hell yes, and then I'll get season 2 when I'm done with this one" only to carefully read the phrase "Complete Series" on the case. Dammit.I really do think that the humor in this series was past most American viewers. Not to sound like a pompous jerk, but movies this is based off, like Snatch and Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, not to mention Layer Cake and Sexy Beast (just British cinema, not influencing the show) aren't nearly as popular on this side of the Atlantic.Thats their loss. This is one of the best series I've ever seen, in terms of cinematography (is it called that when its a TV show?), creativity, and humor. I only have 3 TV shows on DVD, and this is one of them. And if my discs get scratched I'll buy it again.The aforementioned creativity, humor, camera affects, replay value, and drama is what made me give this a 10/10. It isn't perfect, but it stuck with me. And when you can watch a series time after time and it doesn't get old, then its got something special.Keen Eddie has that something special for me. And where the series leaves off.. Damn you Fox.
    zerogirl42 I'm glad this show wasn't a waste and that other's enjoyed it, but honestly, I didn't care for it. I tried to enjoy it as a comedy, satire, mystery, even as a second-rate show to make fun of, but it didn't capture my interest. It just got more irritating.I got through about 40 minutes of the pilot and had to turn it off. Usually I give shows/movies more time before judging it. After watching for 20 minutes, I wanted to turn the show off but didn't to see if it got any better; so watching it for 40 minutes was a stretch.The lead character had little charisma and made stupid decisions (but not in a clever way). The plot was predictable. I found the culture clash to be offensive and not funny. The lead character's animosity towards his dog was annoying.Sorry, I wanted to like it but it didn't do it for me. I don't think the show "went over my head." I got the jokes, It just didn't make me laugh. Eddie's cockiness and stupidity just wore on my nerves after awhile.
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