Crossing Jordan
Crossing Jordan
| 24 September 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Burkettonhe This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    ShelbyTMItchell Jill Hennessy of Law and Order fame gets to headline her own show. As she plays disgraced former ME Jordan Cavanaugh. Who butts heads with the other doctors, in particular the main doctor who also is like a father figure to her, played by the great, and underrated Miguel Ferrer.As despite the fact she can be a pain in the rear along with solving crimes that she needs to let the police do. Still she makes up for her erratic and careless behavior for the victims. As that is what makes her flawed but great at the same time.She and her police detective turned bar owner father, played by Ken Howard as wished he did not leave the series early. Had also great rapport. As Jordan is really haunted by the death of her mother as a child.The great ensemble also had Jerry O Connell as another cop and loved interest in Woody Hoyt. And also Steve Valentine, Kathryn Hahn, and Ravi Kopor ad wit and charm to the show!
    xxxx_luca_xxxx I really liked Crossing Jordan, I hope that someone picks up the torch and runs with it. A great cast, & story line. Put a spin on it, shake it up...but please, bring it back on...someday, soon. Use story lines out of the news, bring guest stars that are either not been seen for awhile or vice versa. Maybe they could bring back the actor (can't think of his name, sorry) Quincy, Jack Clubman (If this is wrong, sorry again). Just because they work with death every day, make story's about other cases...its not a must be death crime, maybe Jordan can branch out. They could if they want to continue it, have her like CSI or a doctor...the she can go back to the other...This just my opinion, but it was a good show.
    eccats1 I love this show,just wish Ken Howard would make a cameo appearance once in a while, i miss his Irish Boston brogue. I also miss the bar and their re-enactment's of crime scenes. I don't miss however, the ongoing saga of her poor murdered mother, that dragged on too long . Now tonight, Lily is pregnant, wonder how the writers are going to solve that problem. Wish Nigel and bugs would have love interests too, everybody else has.Jordan is gorgeous, and being pregnant on the show didn't affect her acting, but she did get slightly pudgy-cheeked.Macy needs to shave once in a while, the writers need to make his character more authoritative, he is becoming a Wis.
    johnfuen My first reaction when I caught my first episode of "Crossing Jordan" was that this show was going to be kind of "Quincy" on estrogen. Now after watching this show for a couple of seasons, I have to say that my original impression was selling this show short.The ensemble cast of Jill Hennesey, Mel Ferrer, Kathyrn Hahn, Steven Valentine, Ravi Kapoor, and Jerry O'Connell represent one of the strongest in recent dramas since E.R. The characters played by these actors and actresses are well written and you really care about them.The mystery aspect of the show is good, but its the characters that make the show so good.
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