| 17 September 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    liquidcelluloid-1 Network: Fox; Genre: Crime Drama; Content Rating: TV-14 (some fierce violence and adult content); Perspective: Contemporary (star range: 1 - 4); Seasons Reviewed: Series (1 season) In the immediate aftermath of the 2006 Hurricane Katrina disaster, the city of New Orleans begins to rebuild. Marlin Boulet (Anthony Anderson) plays a cop who stayed behind rescuing citizens off roofs while his partner wigged out and fled the city. Boulet is assigned a new partner, Cobbs (Cole Houser), who has a secret of his own - he survived the storm by drowning his roommate, hoping the water wouldn't rise past the ceiling of his prison cell.At it's best ("Ride Along", "Melissa", "AKA"), the show sticks up for the city's rich culture and heritage, making the case that "Nawlins" is widely misunderstood by the east and west coast dwelling pundits who proclaim it "a welfare state that is never coming back" (as a reporter voices in "Ride Along"). Anderson sells a love for the city, and Houser sells a respect for Boulet's love for the city. The title itself is a reference from inside New Orleans showcasing the city's subversive sense of humor.At it's worst, many in the short series run, the show simply appears to use the current event climate of New Orleans as a backdrop gimmick to run several routine crime stories through. Mississippi, Alabama and Florida post-Katrina don't make nearly as interesting a setting, I suppose. Even when extolling the character of New Orleans we only get to see the city as 2nd unit stock footage passing by a car window or a narrow shot of the front of a house. This works against the show. I want to feel like I'm there. Right in the middle of it. Immersed in the middle of a war between reconstructionists like Boulet and thugs and drug dealers who take this opportunity to drag New Orleans back into the wild west.There is a lot of potential here, that "K-Ville" doesn't realize. "Rescue Me" started as a post-9/11 look at firefighters in New York and while it always holds to that truth it has also fleshed itself out into a rich, humorous universe of it's own. "K-Ville", on Fox is handcuffed to a cop drama template. It's got a few splintery shoot-outs and a few dry humorous smirks but is largely humorless, thrill-free and uninspired in it's shallow, predictable stories. The characters have yet to flesh out although it appears "K-Ville" was really working at them. In Too bad because the show is pretty well made. There is an intensity to some of the action, a shaky camera technique and a willingness to blow things up and shoot-up and rip apart sets that gives the show a movie quality. "24" on a smaller budget.You can become attached to any show you watch at length. I really wanted to like "K-Ville", mostly for the strong, likable lead performance from Anthony Anderson. Anderson came into his dramatic own with his startling turn on "The Shield" and this is further good work from an actor who could easily become great. Vic Mackey would be pleased with Boulet. But "K-Ville" as a whole doesn't rise up to it's potential and it's made up of elements that might seem different and freshly brutal for those only christened by network TV, but will come off a little been-there-done-that from those who have experienced FX's aforementioned cop thriller.* * / 4
    nittanylyinaround Officer Marlin Boulet is a most unique and appealing lead character. His pride and sense of duty as a New Orleans policeman at once offers great dramatic counterpoint to his intense love for his city and its people while in general it provides us with someone we'd be proud to call a friend and be more than happy to protect and serve us. His partners, both present and past, also offer a wide-range of character strengths and flaws that can provide excellent story lines going forward. I was disappointed to read prior postings and their reactions to the initial episodes. Give this one a chance, people! Both my wife and I are well pleased with the episodes aired thus far, feeling it has gotten better by the week as we learn more about each of the main characters.
    Aaron Holbritter So, here it is, the first new show of the new season, from the Fox Network. This new crime series is as tried and true a concept as the television landscape has ever seen. A buddy cop show. How far back does this premise go? "K-ville", apparently a nickname for the New Orleans after Katrina, uses the city, and its continued efforts to recover from that awful hurricane as the backdrop for this crime drama featuring Ninth Ward native Marlin Boulet (Anthony Anderson), and recently discharged soldier having served in Afghanistan and new guy on the force Trevor Kobb (Cole Hauser).Partnered for the first time since his previous partner, Charlie, took a walk at the height of the rescue efforts, Marlin's a little bit rogue. Trevor arrives with all the fanfare of bottle opening, and the two start rubbing the rough edges against one another.The key to these buddy cop shows, what makes them work, is the chemistry between the two leads. Here, admittedly only the pilot (but if you can't establish it then, you've waited to long) there's next to none. Anderson, a gifted comedic actor, plays this one bone straight. He's clearly seen too much devastation to have a sense of humor anymore, and plays it like his character is the only person in New Orleans who is taking rebuilding seriously. Hauser, on the other hand, doesn't say or do much of anything, and the big "reveal" about his character's not so boy-scout past seems like a last ditch attempt to give the character depth."K-ville" could have done for police dramas what "Rescue Me" did for fire and rescue dramas. Dropping us into a post catastrophe, PTSD infected world was compelling and thought provoking when Denis Leary did it with NYC Firefighters post 9/11. Leary and his co-producers knew that the show had to be funny sometimes, to counteract the maudlin. There's nothing but a lot of maudlin in K-ville. Here, the concept just feels like another gimmick, added onto a gimmick and draped with a cliché.The throwaway plot of the pilot is equally concerning, as the mystery is far-fetched, shallowly conceived, and poorly executed. The only real upside to this show seems to be that each episode will be self sustaining, which means, if it wants to, and it should want to, it can re-invent itself over the next couple of episodes, and maybe start to get it right. Unfortunately, I've already decided not to tune in again."K-ville" appears Mondays on the Fox Network.
    dennis_7410 The fights, the action, drama. K-Ville was a great premiere. Set in NOLA after the storm Marlin(Anderson) is trying to get his life, and more importantly a city back to together. Cole Hauser and the others provide great cast support. The special effects were real. The first pilot story was about, a company that was sent to protect NOLA after them storm. Turn out they were buying the houses so the displaced would not come back home. Marlin and Trevor go to investigate this and get turned back every time. That's when the fights and action happen. A car chase followed by a show down on the docks ended a great story. This show is almost perfect. I have never seen a show start as well since the Fresh Prince, Cosby or the Wayans Bros. 10 out of 10