Faking It
Faking It
TV-14 | 22 April 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Sophia Nagato I really like this show , so do my friends.We are watching it together and waiting for the new episodes. This whole topic at the expense of tolerance and adolescents who are not afraid to seek, to find and to accept themselves as they are. that's what matters, and it must continue to change us, change the world. I was terribly upset that the Tvshow is closing, with this message I want to join those who are against the closure. This TVs is really great and interesting for lots of people in the world . The actors are Great , idea is good , audience loves it. What else you need ? Sophia Ioseliani , 18. Tbilisi,Georgia .
    marissamarzano What a brilliant, beyond brilliant TV show ! Being a massive fan of Awkward, naturally I had to check this one out too. I was happily surprised at how well produced and (what I can only assume..) accurate this show is. To me, it's the perfect combination of teen and reality. Just enough of both to get anyone interested.Much respect to the writers for their characters of Karma, Amy and Lauren and addressing the LGBT community in the light that they did. It's not often you find a show that is dedicated to showing the challenge of finding your true sexuality in a positive way and i really respect all the creators and actors for representing these characters who I'm sure a lot of people can relate to. As for the show itself, I absolutely love it. You really do just want to keep your eyes latched and watch episode after episode. It is a fantastic form of 'teen' comedy and one which gives a real insight into friendship, self confidence and sexuality and all of it rolled into a perfect ball which is this show.
    deboraey In my opinion this show (on MTV) is primarily meant for teens. Now i have read some user reviews that find it stupid, offensive, too stereotypic etc etc. . . Well OK i'm not a teen anymore - in fact it's been some thirty years since i was a teen - but i know that gay/lesbian teens are still as uncertain and uncomfortable with their feelings and emotions as WE were some thirty years ago. Now back in those days we didn't have shows like FAKING IT where we could see that it is in fact OK to be gay/lesbian; that it is just another sexual orientation and that there's nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex! So the way i see it, it is very good having this show (although some find it lame or stereotypic or whatever . . !) and i hope it reaches and helps gay/lesbian teens in the difficult process of self-acceptance and dealing with their sexual orientation!
    FlowerChild98 Smith When I first heard about this show I thought that it would be highly offensive and a bit ridiculous, having watched it I must admit that they were some sexist moments like when one of the girls stated that "guys love lesbians" and "watch some porn", but then again, some people honestly believe things like these, and I have to admit I've heard a lot of people in High School saying things pretty close to these. The whole being queer is cool sounded very stupid, and to say the least, ironic, when gay people get rejected and bullied just because of their sexuality. The world might have become more accepting, but then again to be a homosexual in High School doesn't seem like such fun. Anyway, as you probably know there are two girls, who are best friends and they desperately want to fit in and become popular, well at least one of them, blah-blah, they are mistakenly taken as a couple and all of a sudden everybody knows them, admires and worships them. It may seem like a silly teen drama, but if you really think about it people nowadays do tend to start being all accepting to show how open- minded they are... I know it sounds stupid, but if you watch this with a touch of humor and decide to look into it in a positive manner I don't think it'll leave you that disappointed in the end... After all, there is an obvious little twist which I'm sure will make things a bit more interesting.