Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica
TV-14 | 08 December 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    pjgs200 Spoilers for both episodes:I tend to like sci-fi shows more than other kinds of TV shows. Doctor Who is currently my favorite show, but I think Battlestar Galactica might give it a run for it's money if these two episodes are representative of the show's overall quality. The fact that this was made in 2003 is really, really impressive- the directing, acting, writing, and music are all really good, and the special effects hold up very well. All the characters are really likable. Episode 1 is more action packed, and episode 2 is slower but much more intriguing. My favorite scenes are the ones between Gaius and Number 6, especially in episode 2- the producers do an impeccable job at distinguishing what's in Gaius' head and what is really going on with huge shifts in the music and in the camera work. I have to say, Boomer was a good character, and the cliffhanger at the end of episode 2 really shocked me. You can tell how much effort the producers put into making this as good as it could possibly be.I can't wait to see where this series goes next.
    MartinHafer I know it might ruffle a few feathers, but I have always thought that the original "Battlestar Galactica" was a terrible series. That's because it seemed to be geared mostly to small kids and was far from a thinking person's sci-fi series. This mini-series (intended as an introduction to the series that followed) is quite the opposite--with most of the kiddie writing absent and a much, much slower and darker pace--and a lot of sexual situations. Not surprisingly, this mini-series a zillion times better--and it's a series that can be enjoyed with someone older than 8 but isn't great for younger kids. However, it is not perfect and with a few changes it could have been a lot better. As I mentioned already, the pace is almost glacially slow--and could have stood an injection of energy. Also, the use of the 'unsteady-cam' really annoyed me--and practically made me motion sick watching the scenes of individuals interacting. Additionally, a few of the characters were downright annoying--with Apollo being too annoying to be at all realistic. But it is still entertaining and worth a look--but I can't see quite why so many are REALLY enthusiastic about this series. It's good but could have been a lot better with just a few tweaks.
    Ryan Jafri I believe this show is a great example of how acting and story come first, and not special effects. The story is superb along with the acting. Cylons mimicing humans is nothing new to the sci fi genre (Terminator) but still the way this tactic is interwoven into the human drama is what draws my attention.Unfortunately, at least for season 1, the special effects aren't too great. That shot of the Cylons during the title sequence marching through the door looks so pixelated, it's a wonder why the producers allowed that clip to be released. And this is after watching the entire season blu ray.I look forward to watching season 2, already on my Netflix waiting list.
    michael-blackman I saw the original back when it was released in Australia at out local cinema (Bundaberg) in 79 or 1980(?) and loved that and the TV series even if the centurions heads wobble when they talk. Funny stuff! But the re-imagined series just blows my socks off. I like it so much I have bought the DVD's so I can watch them whenever. The casting is superb, the acting is sublime, the writing is sensational, the directors do brilliant work and as far as I am concerned the story line/plot remains basically true to the basic original concept with the obvious perfectly acceptable exceptions here and there. There is not one thing about the new series I can fault. IT ROCKS!! I also completely love the fact that they have changed some of the original male characters to be female. IT'S PER-R-R-R-FECTION with a capital P. I hope there will be many spin off stories. Keep it coming BSG creators!