Sons of Liberty
Sons of Liberty
TV-14 | 25 January 2015 (USA)

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    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Executscan Expected more
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    wjf-65734 I loved all three movies. I love history. After watching the series I felt and understood the struggle and pain the colonists endured and what drove them to declare independence.It's one thing to know history and another thing to totally feel the desperation they endured. I also loved the characters. This was so well done. I wished the characters could have gone on to continue the struggle. You could have made it a series like Rome and people would have eaten it up.
    jahermes-84845 Glad I didn't read the reviews before I watched this. Perhaps you can put you expert knowledge of history (which is recollections from others since I assume you did not live during this period to personally witness these events) aside and remember that these men are true American heroes and the major events actually did happen. Who knows how and what was specifically spoken 250 years ago.This series was great for anyone that forgets why we are free to even have these debates in this type of medium. A lot of our youth are not pursuing this information and certainly not reading about it on paper or online unless its a requirement. Perhaps this is what is needed to get them engaged beyond the classroom.Bet you didn't like the movie Lincoln either because Daniel Day Lewis is 2 inches shorter than Lincoln.
    lancer165 I have a love of history. I have no objection to liberties being taken with characters not involved with the real story. I do not expect Mel Gibson historical lessons.Seemingly the masses of the unemployed also mass in the darkened streets. Made this feel like Hells kitchen from Gangs of New York. The PADDY POWER here surely not believable. The Independence from BRUTAL Britain was begun by the heroes of Organised Crime a form of Mafia and bootleggers. Has much changed in the USA. Here the leading lights of that revolution had vested interests. The main instigators of this rebellion wanted to break treaty's made by Britain. The Irish were surely mostly Presbyterian type. And why the accents unless they were RECENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. No Trump back then. I will admit that this does not look cheaply done but feel that we will often be in the street where it all opened. When creating a myth much has to be discarded. If the American does believe the story as it has developed it is no wonder that a literal belief in the Bible as written is so strong.Yes it was all down to a very large self interested criminal minded percentage of the population this partition happened. Would that there was no quibble with any of the Empire or the age old enemies then our relationship might have flourished.I am watching TURN and feel it is a lot better in content without the boom boom drama.
    gearheadpatriot Recognizing the historical significance of the Sons of Liberty, I started the series with high expectations. While I understand literary license, this mini-series absolutely misrepresents the events and personalities it claims to represent. Dramatizing key events with romantic affairs, and comic book heroics cheapens the sacrifices of the men and women who founded our nation. If you want the real story of Lexington and Concord visit battle road, the National Park Service has an exceptional program at each of the critical junctures of the battle. Failing a trip to Boston, go to an Appleseed or Libertyseed clinic, you'll get the most accurate account of the battle you can find anywhere.