Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States
Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States
TV-MA | 12 November 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    ppsilv The massive control of the US media over its population and the rest of the world is uncovered in this series. You will fall to your back with the many under-reported, and omitted facts throughout the history. The abundance of details most of times with the original voices of the protagonists show a very careful research and gathering of material. The narrator if fair towards both parts showing both its achievements, failures and shortcomings. As a history lover, I devoured this material and I confess learning a lot from it. I strongly recommend it.
    clanciai As a Vietnam veteran with a number of outstanding documentaries and feature films behind, especially "The Platoon", "Born 4th of July", "JFK" and "Alexander", Oliver Stone has an epic sobriety that can fathom any historical problem. In this series, he has challenged the greatest historical problem of all, which is America.His main ambition with this series seems to have been to pinpoint the major American political mistakes since 1944, when everything went awry as Henry Wallace was not allowed to be a presidential candidate but was more or less out-manoeuvered by a foul coup, although he had been Roosevelt's vice president during his first three mandate periods. Harry Truman was pushed in as his last vice president to suit other minds than Roosevelt's.And then starts the dreary saga of the terrible horror tale of fatal American blunders affecting the whole world, starting with the use of the A-bomb, which Harry Truman rejoiced at, as if it was something to be proud of while it introduced something America hadn't experienced earlier on an international scale, namely dishonour.That triggered the inhuman nuclear race, while the greatest catastrophe during these 70 years of course was the assassination of the Kennedys. There everything went truly wrong with America, as his successor Johnson brutally reversed Kennedy's decision to get out of Vietnam before it was too late to instead turn it a decade of inhuman devastation of all life in Vietnam, comparable with the worst atrocities of the second world war.That part of the series, chapter 7, is probably the worst, the most horrible and upsetting, as it reveals the US drastic reverse from the enlightened "Camelot" of the Kennedys to the blatant barbarism of the Johnson-Nixon years, one worse than the other.Also Reagan gets his due as a brilliant facade to an abyss of ignorance and carelessness, ruining the one universal chance we had for a total nuclear disarmament as Gorbachev actually tried to take that initiative, while Reagan preferred his "Star Wars". His stupidity was only later exceeded by the minor Bushman's.In brief, it's a terrible settlement with an America that blew all its chances for its preference for lies, illusions and delusions, mainly motivated by reckless and inhuman greed that ignored and drove over all human values for the sake of the progress of the universally destructive juggernaut of power greed.Fortunately the series is not all dark and hopeless, as there are quite a few martyrs on the way that are dug up and remembered, foremost the Kennedys, Gorbachev and Henry Wallace, but there are many others, as well as there are many other scoundrels unmasked and living still today. The series is admirably neutral all the way, no conspiracy theories are even hinted at, the tone is objective, condoling or compassionate but never biased or passionate. It's the most admirable historical documentary I have seen, especially since its topic is the most difficult imaginable.
    keelhaul-80856 This is a very interesting documentary that focuses on little- acknowledged facts that may very well change the views of average Americans, if their teachers or the media ever bothered to delve into it. I always enjoy any piece like this that sheds new light on subjects of history, religion, or politics. The only reason I don't rate it as a 7 or 8 is simply because of my own in-depth studies of history and my knowledge of Oliver Stone's other works. While he provides a great deal of lesser-known facts regarding FDR's administration, the world wars, etc. he still seems to leave viewers with the impression that the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and other areas under communist regimes were actually just nice guys with no real axe to grind. In leaving out the other hidden histories of what truly happened in many of these nations, leading up to the points where they intersect with US affairs, I feel it leaves the wrong impression that the US is solely to blame for multi-faceted problems and doesn't address the hidden hands of bankers and secret societies and communists who brought on many issues and atrocities. Similar to his treatment of the JFK saga, Stone gets some of it right, and does a good job of at least raising good questions and shedding light on obscure facts, but doesn't quite hone in on the full picture. Still, worth a watch, but I would suggest a much deeper study of the wars, ideologies, and other agendas at play.
    Russ Hog This is Oliver Stone's documentary about the United States from WW2 up until the Obama administration. It links the wars the United States has been involved in over seven decades and discusses with some depth the political tension behind the scenes between the Presidents and their cabinet, their spy agencies, their enemies, their allies, and the American people. There is also some mission critical storytelling about a few long forgotten historical figures that shed insight into our current geo-political landscape in the post 2016 Presidential election.One very interesting story is that in 1944 there was a progressive left wing VP candidate named George Wallace who had previously been the secretary of agriculture and vice president during the third term of President Roosevelt - but he was passed over in a controversial decision by right wing members of the financial sector and replaced by Harry Truman who served as VP during Roosevelt's fourth and final term. This becomes the first in a long series of progressive left wing politicians who are cast out - assassinated - or defeated and opportunities for our government to put people before empire become potentially lost.Roosevelt dies in office just prior to the end of WW2 and so an inexperienced and more simple minded President Truman was suddenly thrust into the Presidency. Truman knew nothing about the complex deals between President Roosevelt and Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin - and this missed connection becomes a tragic spark that led to many of the anti-communist wars of the last century. What would follow is the construction of the Central Intelligence Agency and massive spending on military that would soon swell into what we call the Military Industrial Complex. The lives of millions would hang in the balance during a slew of close calls that nearly become a nuclear holocaust. One key thing this documentary does a very good job at is showing is that the Soviet Union did not seek global domination - rather they sought to secure their borders. The communists dictators tend to want their land - not global domination. It has been the United States in the post WW2 world has been responsible for the worst air strikes against civilian populations - used puppet governments in Latin America and parts of Africa - and the Middle East - to harness fuel and other supplies. We have done some terrible stuff in the name of empire - yet many of our choices are also rife with complexities that cannot be shunned simply as "America is evil."Perhaps the most interesting scenario of the documentary - is the epilogues that shows the financial history behind World War 1 and World War 2. In WW1 -JP Morgan's bank began to loan money to Britain because Britain was broke after so many years as a global empire and and there is a theory that to get their money back JP Morgan got President Wilson to send troops into the war. While that may have been one of many reasons behind the United States getting involved - including favorable market share with the favorable winners - there are some fascinating links between the banks - fascism - loans - and the war profiting of the financial sector. All of the people in this documentary are human beings - not omnipotent overlords of shadow conspiracies. They have great strengths and weaknesses. They posses terrifying power and humble traits. To understand the world we are in today - one needs to know as much history as possible - because this current geo-political climate was not created in the last decade - but over the course of the last century and this is a documentary that informs as much as it entertains and holds the audience on the edge of their seat.