Harper's Island
Harper's Island
TV-14 | 09 April 2009 (USA)

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    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    rjcbm Remember the insurance commercial about the dumb fumbling around people in scary movies? This is 13 episodes of that. I gotta go now and call Geico.
    poisonwc I really liked this program. I know it's scary to think there's someone out there who would kill people in such horrible ways, but you have to give the killer points for creativity. I mean seriously. My only real complaint is that we find out *way* too early in the series that John Wakefield is still alive. Personally, I wish Trish had turned out to be the killer. Can you just imagine? I will admit it seemed a pretty elaborate way of bringing the one you want to you ... I mean, he knew where she was, why didn't he just go get her? Harper's Island does have quite a few plot holes and questionable situations, but it's still a worth the watch. And I still think Trish should have done it.
    sss sss I found this surprisingly weak for its high IMDb score. From episode one it seemed to have a teen drama vibe to it. I assumed it came with the territory since the plot revolves around a young couple's wedding to be. But as the episodes progressed I still couldn't shake the feeling that the mystery and horror were just forced additions to a typical soap. There are wedding problems, couple problems, father and boyfriend troubles, problems with kids, not-so-comic-relief friends of the groom and so on, and THEN there's a splash of a slasher/mystery thriller. Since it is tagged as mystery/thriller, I expected it to be the other way around. The mystery plot line, sidetracked and underdeveloped as it is, doesn't seem very interesting at the beginning and doesn't get much more interesting to the very end. There is no real focus on it or tension.I couldn't really complain about production values, the show looks and sounds fine. Acting isn't atrocious but it isn't great either. I felt that casting was off though. Almost none of the characters seemed believable enough. Blatant lack of logic or realism throughout the second half of the show doesn't help.On the other hand, I think that the show could work fine as it is, as long as you expect it to be teen drama with a splash of mystery and gore. Perhaps then the casting (beautiful people all around) acting, pacing and focus on side stories would seem more appropriate. For a mystery thriller though I couldn't give it more than 4 out of 10.
    tilly-duke What a waste of time this little gem was, I'd like to thank the writer and director for killing what started as a good show and is worth watching until you get to the last few episodes. In the end I was hoping for the bad guy to kill the main character, the plot line was very predictable and made the FBI out to be a bunch of morons, like putting blood samples around a building and that will convince such a thorough organisation such as the FBI that people have die and not bother to look for bodies. I really hope that they don't get picked up for a second series there are certainly better way to waste money. And as a final note it was shown on Sci-fi has no Sci-fi or any thing possible related to Sci-fi. People that like this are certainly hard up for entertainment or worked on it.