| 19 March 2005 (USA)

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    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    SnoopyStyle British Prof. Fluke Kelso (Daniel Craig) is an expert on Stalin. His lecture in Moscow is harassed by Stalin sympathizers. He is approached by an old man who claims to be a guard for Stalin during his death in 1953. He tells a shocking story that Stalin was killed by Soviet secret police chief Beria who then stole and buried Stalin's notebook.This TV movie is just pre-Bond. Certainly, post-Bond Craig gives a different feel to this material. Putin was still relatively new after his first presidential term. Russia still has the reputation as a struggling state. The plot feels right although Stalin as a Jesus-like aspiration is still unreal. Russia wants a strong man, not a faded copy of one. It's not like there's something special about Stalin's bloodline. It's the old cliché villain playbook for Hitler's secret descendant. I was hoping for something more compelling in the notebook like Stalin was a CIA plant or maybe there is a secret stash of Kremlin gold. Despite the pulpy political thriller construct, this has enough tension and intrigue to make it work. At the very least, it's a good pre-Bond Craig.
    patrick-413 A great cast and premise goes absolutely nowhere. Characters are shallow and have no discernible arcs. The plot seems interesting at first but can't back up the initial promise. The visual style is bland and muddy throughout. I kept thinking "this will come through with a great ending"... until about halfway through the final episode when I realized this was going to crash with a thud. Characters who seemed to be important started dying, and an ending that made everything that came before utterly useless. What a waste of time and talents.
    lois-lane33 I kind of have a simplistic view of things-I tend to see life as a situation of the Martini drinkers versus the Mojito drinkers....maybe I'm right-maybe not. This film was something that took my mind away from seeing the world as two waring tribes who are diametrically opposed. This film portrays things in the world as very complex & full of hidden avenues and unexpected twists and turns. I found this film thoroughly well done and thoroughly watchable and not at all amateurish or clinical in its portrayal of people, places, and events. It was very realistic and I truly got the feeling of being in a frigid cold place in the midst of challenging obstacles. Daniel Crag was effective in his role as a writer/scholar, in this movie. I think Archangel still rates as one of the worlds great forbidden places so seeing it in this movie was definitely unique. I give it an eight out of ten, not a nine out of ten since Stalin actually still has living relatives in this very day and age. And they are not male. And you don't get to pick your parents. Or your grand parents.
    Dragonsouls This is a film that really shed some light about post USSR society. For years I've wondered if there were any Stalinists remaining in Russia, they did keep the Soviet national anthem and that had me wondering. This film gives a fictional account of what may be.The action in the movie is pretty intense, its more of a Clue and detective film in the likes of National Treasure and DaVinci code, where one clue leads to another clue, and that clue leads to another clue, etc. It can be a bit redundant at times, especially the 2nd part of the mini-series. However, the film is beautiful to watch, having some of the most gorgeous urban cinematography in it. This film is directed very well, and the production never felt cheap. Daniel Craig does a wonderful job playing a determined journalist eager to make a buck; only to become so enthralled in his research that he soon began to forget about the potential money he would make by finally getting a hold of Stalin's lost memoirs and writing a book about it.In the end, we learn a startling truth. There are indeed 30 million people in Russia who stand by Stalin until this day, many claiming to be blood related, and seeking to return Eurasia back to his Red ways. However, the world is a modern planet now, and these Stalin supporters show how out dated and obsolete their ways have become. A truly chilling film indeed.