The Lost Room
The Lost Room
TV-PG | 11 December 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    A_Different_Drummer Once again I apologize to the reader and to the IMDb people for trying to give a rating higher than 10, but this is some of the finest television efforts ever. Before doing this review, I reviewed several lists of "excellent" mini series. An incredibly high percentage were period pieces, drenched in pompous accents; or simply drenched in pompous accents with no special time frame or period. In other words, to do a mini-series based on a sci-fi theme AND DO IT RIGHT without relying on aliens, ghosts, ghouls, robots or some other monster is an almost impossible feat and this crew (which included revolving directors and writers) nailed it out of the box. Other reviewers have covered the plot, or at least tried to, because this one has so many twists and turns that it makes the Matrix look like it should be introduced by Kermit. Let me say that I originally missed the first episode but caught the rest in proper sequence. I was so gob-smacked by what I saw that I waited until our our local station reran the entire series in the summer, and watched the whole thing again, beginning to end, and enjoyed it even more. Acting first-rate. Especially nice seeing Julianna Margulies shortly after she disappeared from a prominent medical series. Kevin Pollak steals all his scenes, normally a comic, he plays a baddie and does a great job. Early Elle Fanning makes this a treat for film buffs. Look, this is not my usual review style, but if there was a 20 rating available I would give this the higher number. There are still bits of the story that haunt me and I would happily see it a third or fourth time.
    Cody Lloyd The Lost Room is sci-fi thriller that manages to entertain and stay fresh throughout the entire series. Peter Krause plays a very believable character who I could not help but feel sorry for as he desperately tries to find his lost daughter. The plot of the miniseries managed to stay fresh I felt compelled to finish watching even though I felt that the end result of the series was predictable. However, I did enjoy how the antagonist of the show kept changing as the show developed its characters and plot. Kevin Pollak played a very interesting antihero who I also pitied for the sad circumstances that he found himself in, but I did not agree with or like the way he chose to go about solving his problem. Which is why by the end of the series I did not care what happened to him or what would become of his son. Dennis Christopher also took a turn at playing the villain in this series. I enjoyed watching this character at first but I felt as the show progressed that he became unnecessary to the plot of the show and I found the thought of him being a prophet ridiculous and unneeded. Another notion of this show that I felt was unneeded was the love interest between Peter Krause's character (Joe Miller) and Julianna Margulies' character (Jennifer Bloom). I enjoyed watching their characters relationship as it developed on screen but I felt that it should not have taken the romantic turn that it did and instead should of stayed with a partnership that both characters pulled off so well. I also felt the show did not use all of the tools they had at hand with such a large amount of mysterious objects and literally an unlimited amount of creativity most of the objects were dull and predictable. I will mention the glass eye and the pen that were interesting and fresh but as far as the rest go I was not very surprised or interested. Overall, I did enjoy watching the show but I felt that it fell short of what how good it could have possibly been.
    Nick Kolodziejczak The Lost Room is a science fiction, miniseries thriller. Much like Stephen King did years ago with his television miniseries The Stand the director of the Lost Room decided to go the same route. The Lost Room is almost a biblical story of a motel room where all of the objects inside have supernatural powers. I personally, would of like to of seen more back story on how the room came to be, but it's all fine just how it was. The actors and actresses in the movie did a half way decent job of keeping me occupied with the movie for mainly being actors I have never watched act before, excluding Kevin Pollack, who did a terrific job in the movie Usual Suspect. I would have also liked to of known what had happened Martin Ruber's wife. It also seemed that they were going nowhere with the character called Lee Bridgewater, which was the female cop who had the deck of cards shown at her. It also seemed that once you seen certain objects after they were used once or twice they would disappear. Furthermore, I was confused by how the character named Howard Montague, or the Weasel, which was his nickname, was ever released or escaped from prison. The whole concept of the motel and the objects is a cool idea, and they did do a good job of making a good movie out of the idea. I would of like more back story on the characters, for example, the character named Jennifer Bloom, her brother supposedly had gone crazy trying to collect all of the objects. A few flashbacks would have been semi-helpful. It seemed like they would of or should have made a sequel to this movie the Lost Room, which I would be happy to watch.
    mrdaley SyFy is known for their Mini-Series. Many of the programs on this channel are throwaway B-Movie junk, but occasionally the network airs something great: Tin Man, Alice, Taken. The Lost Room belongs with those great mini-series as the best SyFy has offered and the best Mini-Series ever. The story revolves around a father, Joe Miller played by Parenthood and Six Feet Under star Peter Krause, looking for his "lost" daughter, Anna played by Elle Fanning of Super 8 and We Bought a Zoo. Actually, Joe knows exactly where Anna is, but cannot get to her because she is lost in some other dimension...long story, and I won't spoil it. The production itself is great: acting, direction, and special effects are top notch. Dennis Christopher and Kevin Pollack have standout performances, but everyone plays their roles well. The only knock against the series is that it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. However, a good film is supposed to resonate with viewers. This film certainly sparked conversation, and always in a good way. I watched the show with a room full of high schoolers, and it kept them hooked for the three days we watched it. The greatest quality about the series is its creativity and ingenuity. Without going into too much detail, the characters are forced to work together in order to gather the "objects". Each object has its own special power - some better than others. The watch can hard boil and egg, but the key can take you to any room, anywhere in the world. Some objects, when combined, have more interesting powers. All of this makes for a highly engaging show that spans six 45 minute episodes. I do recommend not to watch them all back to back. The conversations that we had in between episodes were as much fun as watching them. If you are looking for an intelligent show or are sick of the droll programming on cable, find The Lost Room.