TV-14 | 21 March 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    istara The first couple of series of Teachers are wonderful. The third is so-so.The fourth is dire, and I'm honestly surprised the cast agreed to many of the story lines.Many other reviewers have commented on character changes being problematic in the later series. The loss of lead characters is a problem, but it's not the real reason that Series 4 is an unmitigated horror. Let's detail why:1. Three new characters are introduced. The first is a "hot guy" to effectively replace Andrew Lincoln/James Lance. His character works okay, or would have done if they tried to establish more chemistry with established characters (as with Lindsay/Matt in Series 3). The other two characters are mystifyingly awful in how they are written. One (the "hypochondriac") is simply never funny. The other should be on TVTropes as the ultimate "token" hire. The poor actor is literally given no personality at all and nothing interesting to work with. Even straight men (in the comedy usage of the term) are supposed to be funny.2. The themes and story lines are puerile, gross-out and frequently offensive, without being funny. In the earlier series the joke was having puerile characters in adult situations (teaching). In the last series, the situations are puerile. I feel particularly sorry for Vicky Hall (Lindsay) having to act the "fat episode". As for the "Ping" storyline, words simply fail. Little Britain handled the concept of a mail order bride more amusingly and more sensitively than this.Teachers is definitely worth a watch. The final series is definitely worth a skip. It's amazing to realise that it was written by pretty much the same team of writers: what were they thinking?
    babyboo994 So I've watched the funny, witty writing of Teachers UK come to the screen. The first series, it was slightly slow... the characters made almost hour episodes full of things that you would watch whilst you were ill on a Sunday morning. I'm not saying its bad, as I kinda weirdly liked it, just not outstanding. Series 2, when the characters got more developed, and the more interesting ones got the story lines - Great! But what happened to particular characters? Eh? I'm not being funny, but that is annoying! For an example, Jp - he was a great character! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM?! I think the boring lives of these teachers are shown in a funny, submitted kind of way, which makes it watchable and entertaining. The focus of particular characters in each series make the audience connect with the characters - and then they just drop them. Seriously, we've built up this character-viewer relation and they just drop these characters. Yeh, Thanks - because thats not irritating at all. Series 3, best so far - Kurt and Brian, who are ridiculously stupid (and very entertaining) as well as great characters! We also have Matt, who is the most interesting realistic character in my opinion so far (also good looking). What happens to him? oh wait we don't know! Okay. Now I am annoyed. So we end up with Bob, (why is he still a character?!), The weirdo that can't speak a word and has a baby, Penny (the only decent character) and the mouthy secretory.Now the series on their own are pretty good, but when watching numerically, hoping for some rhythm you will be annoyed, because this expectation will be deceived. The series get better individually, but its annoyed me how they drop some of the good characters. It makes me think that there was a disruption of some kind, and the writer(s)/director(s)/producer(s) make them jump in a hole never to return.Oh, Then Matthew Horne turns up in one series and gets the main lead credits? COM'N! I know hes great and all, but seriously have some sort of continuity!!!
    kaetae Often in a drama, the sparkle's gone by the second series but that is definitely not the case! Each episode of Teachers causes deep side-splitting belly laughs and tears to your eyes. Andrew Lincoln's Simon is award-winning worthy, but there will most definitly be arguments when it comes to a favourite character! I recommend this show to anybody with a television.
    r_whiting The First time Andrew Lincoln came to British Screens, was in the cult TV show "This Life" in which he played a quirky, neurotic and often confused lawyer. The reason the two series of "This life" were so good was due to the rich array of characters who played off one another so nicely, and a strong story line that was fast paced, witty and realistic.Teacher's feels like it was written as a vehicle to show case the strongest characteristics of Lincoln's character in "This life". His character, Simon, in teachers is even more neurotic and confused about life than Egg was. On paper this sounds like it runs the risk of type-casting Lincoln and ruining the show from the out set. In reality Lincoln manages to pull it off; in fact he does so, so superbly that he avoids all the clichés and pitfalls and really shines.While Andrew Lincoln twinkles his socks off, the rest of the cast refuse to be out done, Raquel Cassidy and nina Sosanya who play susan and jenny Respectively, do so subtly if not sublimely again avoiding the clichés, and Simon's two slobby mates (also teachers) Brian and Kurt played by Adrian Bower and Navin Chowdhry, provide the perfect foil for Simons ever growing neurosis. At the end of the day, Teachers again has a strong storyline with a lot of fast paced humour and wit, while maintaining a degree of realism and showing teaching from both sides of the black board, teachers has all the potential and as I'm sure time will show has all the makings of a cult show in it's own right.