Persons Unknown
Persons Unknown
TV-14 | 07 June 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    xhidden99 I was hoping that every second was so violently shaky cam as to be unwatchable. Because seemingly shaky cam not only will never die it's only going to get worse. So why not? It's as good a substitute for writing and direction as anything. In fact TV could open up a whole industry for people with Parkinson's or CP. Just strap some cameras on the spastics and go to town. Now as to the show it's standard TV fare of the confusing plot less slow moving barely written down fake suspense that trolls the audience genre. Lost, in other words. Shows like Lost Persons Unknown rely on an audience that sees the show more like a reality show where everyone talks trash to each other, or cries hysterically. And we're supposed to hate or root for different characters; Team Hotchick, Team Douchebag and so on. Which if you think about it makes most of the criticisms about terrible writing, bad direction, hacknied dialog, improbable plots, off the mark. Because while that's all true are besides the point. All that matters is the stupid factor. In that Persons Unknown is genius.
    kirpo-kakkonen ...but as it went further on... the whole story started to collapse on itself. The beginning had excellent premises, and was something to keep me on hold. And then it happened. Bigger than life conspiracy, murders, backstabbing... Worldwide hunt for the truth and a secret organization that works very efficiently in whatever country. Please... seen more than enough of these.Then the ending of the show. Was expecting something different. But that also a full of clichés.Some of the cast did a good job. Must most, very basic - I'm getting paid for this - level.Have to say that I am happy for no more of this made.
    bubblegum_brainiac I'll be honest; I enjoyed this show. I love the concept. Random strangers all together in some place they can't escape? It sounds terrific. However, they didn't really explain anything at all. WHY were they being kidnapped? The most I seemed to understand was they were testing a theory about why people acted like they did. I don't understand why they were testing that theory though. And what happens to the people when they finish everything? From what can be seen, Janet's mother was a member of this organization. We're never told anything about *that* though either! Besides the many plot holes and the unanswered questions, there was one other problem with this show. The characters themselves. They are all very shallow, if you ask me. The only one I even cared for at all was Tori. Besides Janet, who was a pretty unlikable character in my opinion, Tori was the only one given any background where we get to know her. We learned things about the others, yes. We never really understood them though. This is a problem with the writing itself. the writers assumed the reader understood the characters as well as they did, so they never really explained anything too detailed about them.I know, I know. This makes it look like the show was bad. Don't get me wrong, it is. I loved watching it though. It kept me interested. I found myself sitting there one night and watching every episode. If you're looking for something that is going to fill your mystery needs, this show probably isn't it. However, if you want to watch something you can't stop watching and find yourself loving, I recommend this show. You can fill in the gaps yourself, if you really want. Don't listen to the one star people; this show isn't that bad. You just need to remember there are plot holes. Many movies and TV shows have them. If you watch this show for fun, you won't be disappointed.
    carlblong To avoid spoilers, I'm going to leave out a lot of the specifics about this show.The basic story is that 7 people wake up in a hotel with no idea how they got there, or even where "there" is. They find themselves in a ghost town under constant surveillance by persons unknown.That really caught my eye. A smart, suspenseful TV show. So I caught the whole series on Netflix, and just finished the series finale a half hour ago.Watching this kind of show all at once (well, over 4 days) enabled me to follow the story a bit closer than an episode a week would have allowed. I highly recommend viewing the show this way. The story doesn't play out as episodic, but rather feels like each episode is a chapter in a book. I would have found it nearly impossible to follow along if I didn't start from the beginning -- more so than with shows like Lost or Heroes. The recaps that begin each episode only cover the previous chapter, which might have been enough to remind people who saw last week's show, but not enough to let a new viewer come in part way through. Too much for a movie, but not episodic enough for TV. Problem #1.The second problem, from what I've read on the internet, is that the marketing department dropped the ball. Like I said above, it's a tough show to attract new viewers, and it was in a rough time slot. On the other hand, it probably shouldn't have gotten fewer viewers than the gymnastics that was on TV the same day.Then the producers made some promises about answering all the questions they'd asked, which left many people feeling betrayed. I can definitely see that. The last episode played out a lot like a season finale, but not a series finale. For a show that involved people being abducted, I'd have expected no way to have a second season: either send them home and have no more story to tell, or keep them trapped and struggle for new material. I was surprised, then, that the show found a third option, and I would love to see a second season.To the producer's credit, though, they did answer all the questions they asked throughout the season (at least to my satisfaction). Where I think people feel lied to is that the last episode asks a whole new batch of questions -- excellent for a cliffhanger, but maybe too many for a series finale. The finale definitely suggests there's more story to tell, but I'm fine (disappointed, but fine nonetheless) that they don't tell it. I feel like it's on par with watching the hero ride off into the sunset, or Batman telling Comissioner Gordon that they can always call him if they need him, Evelyn Salt running through the forest vowing revenge, etc. Lots of movies and books end this way, and I'm glad the producers erred on the side of good writing rather than forcing everything into tidy little holes.The show has a lot of good things going for it: good acting, writing, production value, etc. They kept up the suspense, and even though I didn't always like where they were going or how they got there, I wanted to see how things played out. You have to be willing to suspend disbelief a bit (no more than LOST or THE PRISONER, which are the most obvious comparisons), but it's easy to get caught up in the series.So long as you're fine with wanting more at the end, I highly recommend Persons Unknown.
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