TV-G | 22 September 1986 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    AdrienneGrayceMusic I grew up watching ALF, as I was born in 1980. I was always a fan of the show. Recently I heard the news of a reboot, so the inner child in me came right out with glee. I decided to watch old episodes of Alf, since they had them streaming on my amazon prime app. I forgot how funny ALF actually was. I never really paid attention to the storylines back in the 80s because I was only 7-9 years old. I remembered bits and pieces. I just watched all 4 seasons in 2 days and my ribs hurt so much from laughing so much. Its the one-liners that are hilarious. The writing is tremendous. I happen to be a fan of reboots, especially with shows I grew up watching. I can't wait to see what they do with this ALf reboot. Looking forward! If you haven't watched ALF yet, and were living under a rock all this time, I beg you to watch the show, from beginning. Love ALF!!
    Mr-Fusion It blew my mind as an adult to find out that there were tensions on the set of "ALF". One of my favorite shows as a kid, and here it is a veritable Behind the Music episode. It really put a different spin on my perception of the show.Regardless, it's still emblematic of happy memories (such are unavoidable with regard to favored past TV); the iconic puppet, the laughs, sitting my parents down every Monday night as a ritual. He's got a voice that instantly recognizable, and the show left an impression that had me tuning into various talk show appearances, TV movies and ad campaigns in the '90s. Being axed before its time can be said about myriad TV shows, and it's no less applicable here.This is classic '80s TV.9/10
    Syl Alf wasn't the best sitcom of the day but it sure was entertaining at times. Alf stands for alien life form or Alf for short. Alf became a hit sitcom series for the time on the network television. The premise is that Alf crashes into the Tanners garage in suburban Los Anfeles, California. The Tanners are your basic middle class family who adopt and protect Alf like a member of their family. Alf is the star and gets into all sort of trouble. Max Wright is perfectly cast as Will Tanner, the social worker, husband and father, who plays straight man to Alf's comedy. Anne Schedeen is perfect as Kate Tanner, the mother and wife. Liz Sheridan was great as nosy neighbor, Racquel. If you want light hearted family entertainment, Alf is for you.
    Keyska2004 This TV series that lasted for five years was one of my favorites. The average All-American family enjoys(?) the company of a hairy alien. Alf's lines throughout these shows generally will make you laugh. Not to mention roll your eyes now and again.Alf is played by Paul Fusco, with Max Wright as Willie Tanner and Anne Schedeen as Kate Tanner makeup the majority of the shows programs. The kids are played by Andrea Elson and Benji Gregory as Lyn & Brian tanner.Chaos is the main ingredient for most of these episodes. Simple humor, quick shows, a canned laughter will make you laugh. Enjoy my fellow earthlings.