TV-14 | 24 September 2009 (USA)

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    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    kosmasp Looks like no Flash Forward warned anybody that the show would get canceled. Which seems like more than a missed opportunity, because there was potential here. If you watched the first episodes it was more than intriguing. Story and time-lines and confusing details aside, this did work very well. Especially when it did something major after a few episodes, something that seemed to change the formula.Time sensitive movies or shows are really moving on thin ice though. And while still able to get away with many things, there still seemed to be a rush to do things. Especially towards the premature ending. Women (and Brits) seemed to have the worst of it. Character wise that is of course. Most of them were borderline bearable, surely making many people scream at their TV set and not in a good sense. There is inevitability and then there is plain stupidity ... it's a shame when it goes to the latter.But try to cherish the good things about the show (and there are quite a few), beginning with the lead cast and some really nice guest stars along the way. A shame the writing got in the way a couple of times, either while thinking to be too clever or not thinking at all. I'd still watch a second season, if there ever will be one ...
    spidermonkey220 I know this show was aired a while ago but i have just gone through all episodes and i'm sorry if people think its bad acting but i thought it was amazing, There was one or two parts that had me a bit judgmental on their directing and the rest of it was so great,But it really left me wanting to see more, i want to know more and i would love to carry on watching more as i'm sure a lot of people would of agreed at the time, Now is a perfect time to bring it back, FYI ! Thoroughly enjoyed all of it !!
    MrGKB ...but am not surprised that it turned out to be a flash in the pan. Production values were good, most of the casting/acting was tolerable, and the script/dialog wasn't nearly as bad as various mavens on this site have suggested, but ultimately David S. "Threshhold" Goyer's latest creation still couldn't surmount its flaws. The core concept is intriguing: a brief planetary blackout of consciousness during which most everyone experiences that time span in the future--and why some don't is, of course, a key feature of the main theme of the event, the dichotomy between free will and predestination.The major weakness, I think, was Goyer's decision to kowtow to the demands of LCD audiences of serial drama and veer too far from the source material, a 1999 novel by Robert J. Sawyer, a well-respected Canadian genre author. Too many (often extraneous) characters are introduced into the mix--the plot is shifted to focus on an FBI investigation into the origin of the phenomenon and its possible recurrence, with the mystery compounded by an overly elaborate conspiracy that is never satisfactorily resolved (or even explained)--and the result is a diffusion of interest in those characters. The primary leads suffer from being morally suspect in ways that lessen sympathy for their dilemmas, and most of their precognitions are dealt with in a facile manner that has no root in genuine character development. A sacrificial suicide toward the beginning of the story establishes that the future everyone has seen is malleable, but a number of characters make no real effort to alter what they perceive as probable negative outcomes. Cases in point would be the girl who saw herself drowning, the alcoholic FBI agent who saw himself falling off the wagon, his loyal wife who saw herself all cozy with another man, and the partner who saw nothing at all."Flashforward" smells of desperately wanting to become another "Lost," in essence, with multiple threads of mystery that could be exploited over an extended period of time. I suspect this was not all mapped out from Day One, however, but was cobbled together once the series was greenlighted for a full season. With better characters and smarter scripting, it might have worked. Alas...I didn't regret the time spent with it, but won't be returning to it, and don't bemoan its cancellation. Season Two would have just been more of the same.
    mambx Even though this show only last one season, it was a great show, and I used to look forward to watching it.It really annoys me to why companies cancel really good shows and then start up really horrible ones, this one could have been a replacement for a major show but they cancelled it off like they cancelled 'V 2009'. Really disappointed, but nevertheless it happens too much these days.Plot was solid, the characters tied it all together exceptionally well and I really really loved how the show progressed. I even read the whole book after the series ended, that's how good I thought it was.The whole perception part of the show was epic, and i'll probably get round to watching this show again just for a recap.If you haven't seen this yet, then you have to, it's one of those shows you cannot miss.
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