Blood Feud
Blood Feud
TV-14 | 25 April 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    theowinthrop It will be the irony of Robert Blake's decent acting career that despite his stint as Baretta in the Detective Series, his personal life will make people think only of his negative - villainous characters, as in his best performance IN COLD BLOOD and as Jimmy Hoffa in BLOOD FEUD. Fortunately, Blake was such a good performer that his performances in both roles are worthy of being remembered. It's just a pity about his hero parts.James R. Hoffa will remain (to most Americans) one of the most despicable figures in the history of our labor unions. There have been other crooked union leaders before and since, but Hoffa is the extreme example, because his Teamster's Union was one of the best run and richest unions, and giving tens of millions of dollars from the pension funds to the Mob for their activities. On the other hand, if you speak to Teamsters, even if they admit Hoffa's failings, they will point out that he was a remarkable figure in improving wages and benefits, and in actually nearly achieving the dream of all union leaders: Hoffa nearly created a NATIONAL contract for teamsters in this country. If he had been honest and achieved these things, say like Gompers or Powderly or Green or Lewis or Reuther, he would have been considered a great man. Instead he is forever a fascinating but twisted figure.This film discussed the confrontation beginning in the 1950s between Hoffa and Robert Kennedy, first as an attorney working for the Congressional Committees investigating the union, and later as his brother's Attorney General. There had actually been some impressive work earlier - the corrupt Union Head Dave Beck had been convicted by the Government and sent to prison. Ironically the election of Hoffa was greeted as a new broom sweeping clean. Actually it was more like changing leaders from a common thief to an uncommonly brilliant one.In the film Blake plays Hoffa as an intensely intelligent individual, but one who could get emotionally involved to his detriment. Had Hoffa been cooler he possibly might have beaten Kennedy's assault. But Kennedy (here played very competently as a competitive person by Cotter Smith) found that he did not like being defeated at every turn by the Union leader's maneuvers. Possibly had he been cooler he might have noticed that despite the level of corruption there was evidence that Hoffa was actually achieving much for his rank and file. In short two amazing men with huge egos turned a government probe into a gladiatorial contest. The key to Hoffa's fall was one of his lower level Union leaders, the head of the New Orleans Local Eddie Partin (Brian Dennehy in a fine performance as a man torn by loyalties who turns on his closest friend Hoffa for his own safety). Partin produced the evidence of malfeasance that Kennedy used to prod Hoffa out of his position of power.The end result of all this was mixed - and did not do good for the powers that be. Hoffa became a liability for the mob, because they knew RFK would start on them in the second administration of his brother. And the film does strongly suggest that this may be the reason for JFK's assassination, as the Mob realized Bobbie would not be able to retain his Attorney General position long under his personal political enemy Lyndon Johnson (Forrest Tucker, shown to good affect but not as much as one would like as a man who dislikes being high-hatted by the snobby Kennedy boys). Still Johnson kept Bobbie in his position until Hoffa was found guilty of stealing from the union.But his fall from power doesn't end there. In the film, Blake's Hoffa still has contacts with the Mob even as he is headed for prison. And he hears things. The film ends in June 1968, with Bobbie in the hotel in Los Angeles looking forward to the Democratic National Convention. Suddenly there is a phone call, and it is from Hoffa. The latter is about to start his prison term, and feels obligated to warn Kennedy about possible threats. Kennedy won't listen, but Hoffa (if this is true) suggests that maybe at this point they should work together for their own safety. Kennedy, somewhat bemused by the phone call, vaguely says he'll have to think about it. After the phone call ends an aide asks if he really feels there is a physical threat from the Mob. RFK shakes his head, and quotes the poem by Robert Frost, that he has "miles to go before I sleep." Then he heads downstairs for the speech of victory he gave regarding the California primary.The film worked very well, with a cast of highly competent character actors. Whether Hoffa really tried to reach an accord with RFK I cannot say, but their duel certainly did neither very much good. And the Teamster's Union has taken decades to recover.
    lord woodburry A Crusade against communism isn't working so the senators decide to pick on the unions instead. Newly installed Teamster president Jimmy Hoffa is on target as soon as he forced his indolent predecessor out. Unlike the Kennedys who'd like to appear to be pro-labour, Hoffa is a 100% pro union, winning in 1960 the best wage increase ever in an industry wide pact.Enter snivelling Bobby Kennedy. He's out to get Hoffa by hook or by crook. Are they bound for mutual self-destruction? There's an excellent view of the utter cynicism in the hidden back passageways of power: "we can't fight communism so lets bust unions," says one Senator to John Kennedy.
    tonstant viewer Great production values for a TV miniseries. Director Mike Newell shows great gusto in dealing with groups of people, a trait which became even more evident as he went on to "Enchanted April," "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Pushing Tin." The supporting cast does distinguished work.Cotter Smith is daring in his first venture outside series TV when he borrows so many of Robert Kennedy's unsympathetic mannerisms, and he certainly can't be accused of holding back. Unfortunately, he's missing the undisputed charisma of RFK and worse, he's up against Robert Blake as Hoffa.Evil is always more interesting than good, and Blake has a lifetime of scene-stealing behind him. He's fifteen years past "In Cold Blood" here, and at the top of his game. He's a madman spouting hypocrisy so well that while he's talking you might believe him. You definitely can't take your eyes off him. In the acting duel, as opposed to real life, Kennedy doesn't stand a chance here.So it's worthwhile viewing, but remember afterwards, after Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian gunman, RFK's lifetime of work for civil rights and against crime left the world a better place.And as Jimmy Hoffa slumbers peacefully under the 50-yard line at Meadowlands Stadium, remember that he stole recklessly from his union membership, and connived at far worse crimes than that. Nixon may have pardoned him, but we don't have to.
    Phill-13 For those of you that think Blake can only do "Barretta," watch this film the next time it is on television. Blake proves that he really is an excellent actor, when he tries. Blake's performance as Teamster Boss Jimmy Hoffa really does steal this show as this performance was, by far, the best he'd ever done up to that point. Originally shown as a 2-part mini-series, this movie depicts the epic battle between then-Teamster Boss Hoffa and the politically ambitious John F. Kennedy, the charismatic young Senator from Boston. Cotter Smith, a then unknown young actor, gave an equally strong performance as Bobby Kennedy, the younger brother of JFK, an idealistic lawyer himself, who fought for years to finally bring down Hoffa and send him to prison. Sam Groom gave his usual great performance as Senator, then President John F. Kennedy, who told Bobby that he didn't "want to be seen as anti-labor," while grooming himself for a run for the Presidency, wanting Bobby to be careful with his investigation of Hoffa. Glossy at times, this film strives hard to take a tough, gritty look at the battle between the Kennedys and Hoffa and succeeds in most aspects. Sadly, the Kennedys and Hoffa died for their beliefs and, (I believe) as a direct result of this battle. You'll have to see this movie on television as it has never been released on VHS. My rating out of 10: 8.5