Being Erica
Being Erica
TV-14 | 05 January 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    tbosy One of the most insightful shows I have ever seen. I first saw an episode in a plane and it wowed me. I then began watching more episodes and it continues to wow me. To me this is about learning life lessons through the eyes of Erica and becoming wiser through it. You become Erica as you relate to her challenges and conflict in life. It's also refreshing to see a therapist lead Erica through her lessons but he never tells her what to do. To me he is like a guide but experience is the true teacher. Everything about the show is very real and it's brilliantly produced. This show is very addictive and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for good insights into life.
    sereneredhd I'm grateful for Hulu because without it, I would not have accidentally stumbled upon the gem called "Being Erica".It's got a little bit of everything you could hope for in a television show. Michael Riley is BRILLIANT, absolutely BRILLIANT in his role. I remember him in two other roles, I think. One was in "Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story". If memory serves, he played her father. He also played a writer in "Her Perfect Spouse", a made-for-TV movie.Erin Karpluk, the actress who plays Erica, makes me laugh, cry, wonder, ponder, and just mull things over.The other actors/actresses on the show are incredibly talented as well. The show, while maybe not different in its basic foundation, is definitely different in its presentation. Ultimately, it's about life, regrets, and how to learn from them, see for a second time around what we were blind to the first time, and hopefully, change what's within us, what we don't like about ourselves, strengthen what we love about ourselves, others, and life in general.It's hard to watch at times, yet I can't take my eyes off of it. For the past four days, I've blazed through the only seasons they've produced: Seasons 1 and 2. I finished Season 2 about two hours ago, and I'm already going through withdrawal.Great television should entertain in one form or another. After every episode of "Being Erica", I feel like I've just watched a feature length film that flew by only to be disappointed that I've reached the end.The writers of this show demonstrate grace and finesse with the written word and throughout each episode, sprinkle great quotes from other famous people throughout history.Like the end of a great book, a fantastic movie, or a inspiring play, "Being Erica" will surprise even the most critical of today's television.
    fustbariclation I understand it is supposed to be a girlie film, but, really, is it fair to depict somebody quite so stupid?The shrink too is creepy and badly acted. He tries to pretend he has read a book or two, but the way he says the quotes makes it obvious that they are out of a book of quotations. Is his pretentious phoniness supposed to be attractive?Actually this is probably quite a good film to fend off depression. Anybody who was so utterly stupid and lived such an empty and vapid life would have to be worse off than almost anybody who watched it. Maybe that's the point, to feel better out of pity.I can see that it might be just the thing for plebvision, empty, implausible, badly acted, badly scripted and naff in the extreme. Why on earth did they put it on DVD though?
    Vince Bacani (vince-bacani) "Being Erica" is one of those shows clearly targeted at the "Sex and the City" audience: female-friendly, hip, nice to look at. Ho hum. But before you can click on the remote, you catch a glimpse of Erin Karpluk in the role of Erica Strange, and you're hooked. She is so natural, so lovable - she inhabits the character effortlessly. She can be wistful without being whiny, insecure but not needy. She is also a virtual chameleon who can morph into whatever situation the show's time travel premise requires.The writing is so fresh and witty. Other Canadian shows have a tendency to be too real and mundane, utterly humourless. Being Erica is funny without trying too hard; the humour seems to flow out of normal situations and conversations, as it does in real life.The entire premise of the show is that the audience gets behind Erica and roots for her little victories in a harsh world. And we do.This is a hidden gem of a show that needs an audience. Someone should send a tape of the bat mitzvah episode to Ellen or Oprah. If either of them saw it, the show would surely have a champion who could help ensure its survival.