TV-MA | 04 November 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Kathy-R-Holt We've seen the first two seasons, waiting on Seasons 3&4. Fun and entertaining throughout. I enjoy the Australian actors and Richard is a reall hoot. The story lines are unusual but keep you watching and give you something to think about. Sometimes I wish Rake would straighten up and act right, but then we might lose his quirkiness. Great show! We watch a lot of British mysteries and police drama. This is more fun and just as interesting.
    paxdriver I find it amazing that good humor, clever quips and sitcom-style resolution can intertwine so harmoniously with the series' progressive storyline. That's not to say the series is faultless, but it throws a bewildering amount of emphasis on higher platitudes of comedy from within the excrement of distasteful satire. Conflicts are mostly grey-area in nature, which leaves the viewer with a mentally obtuse aftertaste that makes enjoying the show so much less a 1 dimensional fest of glut but rather a rewarding experience to boot.It's a terrific series, leaving me desperately fiending for more after each episode. If you liked Californication for the dialogue more than the sex, you'll love Rake for the same reasons, and you'll not be disappointed in either department. Rake in a nutshell: Clerks meets David Duchovney in suits with the stage set for silk.
    xhidden99 I was thinking how this was an even darker version of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Sure, Cleaver is a pr^ck, a drunk, a user, a misanthrope, misogynist and all around thoroughly corrupt bast^rd but the sad fact is that quite nearly everyone around him is a pathological narcissist who will do literally anything to anyone to suit their own aims. He's an antihero surrounded by utterly self unaware gleeful sociopaths. You can't fault his bitter nihilism in the face of it. From his ex wife to his solicitor to his solicitor's wife to his girlfriends and girlfriends other lovers his crazy bookie to the judges and officials and hacks and clowns they're not even lying to themselves about how shallow and awful are they truly do not know and never will. It's a modern day version of Alexander Pope's "Dunciad"
    kgratton Every once in a (long) while the Australian TV industry can dig up a gem. You're never quite sure which network will produce the next 'East West 101' or 'MDA', but chances are that an intriguing new show will turn up on the government-owned ABC. That is certainly the case with 'Rake', which I understand has been signed off for a third season - and is also the model for an American version to go into production shortly. I wouldn't have bothered writing a review for this series, but felt compelled to respond to remarks from reviewer colbur-1. Many of the actors making cameo appearances in this show are well-known names, as other reviewers have noted, but of the regulars probably only Richard Roxburgh would be well known outside the framework of this series. Regrettably, I don't see any of the "cringeworthy jingoism" or 1960s insularity. This is an immensely entertaining show if you can stand the robust language and moral ambivalence. But even in that context the heroic stature of Matt Day's character serves as a foil to Roxburgh's. The beauty of this series, beyond the wonderful character development, is that the stories overcome that stumbling block of Australian film and TV: mediocre script writing. Being based on reality and frequently drawing on true life situations 'Rake' eases willing suspension of disbelief even as it descends further into the surreal.It's a show that will shock and amuse; it's by no means a typical sitcom, but it's real life, with its flawed villains and cynics - mostly with their redeeming virtues. Even farm girl-turned-mobster and part-time lusty wench Kirsty - played by Robyn Malcolm - has her own reasons for her actions. And if that isn't enough to draw you in to watch this show, I don't know what will.