Just Legal
Just Legal
| 19 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    shiloh_3 The biggest problem with this show wasn't the writing, the acting or the concept. It was simply aired by the wrong network. I'm a huge Don Johnson fan and this part was perfect for him. If only his old network (CBS - "Nash Bridges") had picked it up I believe there would have been a fan base just waiting to embrace it. On another level, it's also a shame NBC...a network looking for a way out of the rating basement...could have possibly seen this show become one of their few winners this season because their demographics are probably far more "mature" than the WB's. It's not a show for very young viewers and as such didn't belong on the WB network at all. It never really stood a chance languishing there.For me...this is a show that will be missed.
    Movie_Savage I just returned from the U.S. a few days ago where I was able to witness episode No 2 of this ill-fated new court drama.Don Johnson really does a great job here. Unlike in his recent Vietnam war drama "Word of Honor", his portrayal of burnt-out defense lawyer Grant Cooper strongly reminded me of Det. Sonny Crockett of Miami Vice fame - gritty, disillusioned, world-weary at times , yet with great passion for his trade. That's a huge plus for a die-hard "Vice" fan like myself, and it made the episode very enjoyable from beginning to end.As for the show itself, it has been criticized for adding nothing substantially new to the world of court drama - the cases allegedly being too straightforward, no brain teasers, no twists... but then again, "Just Legal" makes up for that with solid old-fashioned storytelling (don't call it run-of-the-mill because it really isn't!), nice California scenery throughout, and good chemistry between the main characters. Everything about the show was a good place to start. The potential was definitely there.Just a little over twenty years ago, Miami Vice entered its second season. Its first-season ratings had sagged notably after a mostly appreciated pilot, but then soared during the '85 summer reruns and continued on a high level well into season three. But that was 20 years ago, looks like network executives are no longer willing to take any risks. Their loss, but sadly, ours even more.
    whitsticker JUST LEGAL offered a ray of light in an otherwise dreary 2005 fall season line-up. After just three airings, the network prematurely axed the show. How sad for the viewers who saw the potential of this show, its characters and the actors.DON JOHNSON, playing the part of Cooper, very believably portrayed an attorney who had reached the bottom of the heap...tired of the process, tired of the cases, tired of the law. In other words, Cooper was just a tired, sorry attorney. Cooper represents the "bad" path everyone faces in life. Cooper is the person who lost his way.JAY BARUCHEL, playing the part of Skip, was the legal savant portraying the stereo-typical youth with ideals higher than clouds - the kid who will grab life by the horns because being right is the most powerful adrenalin available. Skip represents the "good" in everyone starting out on a career path.Just Legal did a great job in dealing with the battles everyone faces in life on a daily basis...right versus wrong, easy versus hard, young versus old, seasoned versus green. JOHNSON's Cooper is a person who has made bad errors in judgment and benefits from BARUCHEL's Skip - the fresh outlook of youth and inexperience.The show filled a huge gap that exists in current programming...believable story lines, believable characters and HUGE potential. I say bring back JUST LEGAL and sink about 90% of the new junk the networks are feeding the viewers. Yes, I had time to complete this comment because I am left with unsatisfying television show choices during the prime viewing time of 8pm until 11pm.
    ritabert_2000 I've watched two episodes of Don Johnson's new show on the WB (Monday nights at 9 PM EST). I like it. It's set in the Venice/Santa Monica area of LA. Johnson is older and out of shape but he's very good as a formerly good trial attorney now resigned to pleading out cases and drinking his way through lunch. His new associate is Skip Ross. The actor playing Skip is very good walking a line between not knowing what he's supposed to do in court and coming up with brilliant stunts to save his case in court. It's got some laughs and some good interaction between the two lawyers, the bad cop who is out to get them, the various judges who are not too amused by the pair and the receptionist who is really on probation and only gives the office as a working address to her probation officer but rarely shows up. I'll be interested to see how this develops but so far it's interesting.
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