What About Brian
What About Brian
TV-PG | 16 April 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    cubsrams This is one of the best shows that I have watched in a long time. I was a big fan of Party of Five and then came What About Brian. I am SO tired of reality TV. This show is so moving and so funny and so REAL!!! without the reality craze. I look forward to watching it every week or I TiVo it so I do not miss an episode. I hope that there are still producers out there that can keep a show on television that doesn't have to include such violence and reality TV. I love the real life situations that are so easy to relate to and I love to watch them play out with not all so happy ending always because really that is what life is all about isn't it? To whomever controls whether a show continues or not PLEASE keep this show going. I hope that it is released soon whether the show will continue... The suspense is killing me.
    tmdanc I love the show...however I don't like where it's going. Where is Marjorie? Please write her back in. Also I loved Brian's character in the beginning, his character was so sweet and mysterious and now he's turning into a dirty frat boy. (Typical in every TV show, you're losing your originality). However, Adam and Nicole sleeping together was awesome! I thought that was unexpected and hilarious! No one would have expected them to get together, even if it was for just one night. Stephanie and Brian should NOT be together...once again the show will be losing it's originality (too typical). Stephanie's roommate and Brian would be much better. Dina and Dave need to have sex already! I'm so glad they kissed...I wish the camera person got a better angle of it because it would have had more of an impact. But I'm SO GLAD they are starting to get back together. Great show, please, please, keep it great!!! Thanks.
    cns714 I was hooked on this show from day one. Loved all the characters .. all the stories ... so much more realistic than Desperate Housewives etc etc ... I would love to see it come back. Please 'abc'... Bring 'What About Brian' back. My Boyfriend who loves action packed, thriller, horror movies love this show as well. We look forward every Monday 10 pm est. They cannot just end that show with that finale also ... these are stories that must come back and fill us in on what happens next. I couldn't believe how fast the finale come up and how I read that the ratings weren't that good but I hardly ever saw any marketing for this show ... marketing and hype which it deserves , if given a chance I know that this show would be loved by all.
    caldwell01 I have been a serial reality TV addict and this is the first actual show that I have gotten into. I love this show. The chemistry between Brian and Marjorie is great, I can't wait to see what happens there. I can't believe only 4 or 5 episodes and it's already season finale. I hope it gets picked up. I love the dynamic between Adam and Deena also. Nic and her husband makes a strange couple but whatever. I love this show! I hope it's being watched by all the Neilson families..... .. anyway I don't know what else to say other then watch the show! Please watch so it will stay on the air please...
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