Laguna Beach
Laguna Beach
TV-PG | 28 September 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    rixrex This has to be the show that's responsible for causing part of the world to think the US is the great Satan. No, not really, but it sure doesn't help. I mean, we must look really awful to those who watch stuff like this and take it as emblematic of US society.One thing for sure, it is the most mindless and vapid, numbingly stupid garbage I've ever seen, but I have yet to see 'The Hills', it's spin-off. That promises even more, much more, of the same nothingness.Things that ought to be important to anyone with any sense of humanity are absent here. Things that typically are important to those who think of themselves before humanity, such as career and money, are also absent. in fact, the most common denominator of the important life functions in this tripe of programming are in line with what a pre-neanderthal might think of as important, such as who's my next mate and how can I attract him or her.Even pre-neanderthals have one up on these young people, as the former must find their own food and shelter. What kind of life is perpetual childhood, especially perpetual tween childhood? The answer is right here, and it will make you feel ashamed this piece of the 'vast wasteland' is presented by those who've come forth from our own American culture, and seem to lack any understanding of its significance in history.
    fashion-crazeo1 I think this is a really good show.MTV did a really good job on this show.Yeah sure they are all rich and spoiled, but people just think that "Oh they are little plastic Laguna brats who are spoiled and get whatever they want and their lives are so perfect that they don't even care about other people other than themselves and their friends". MTV showed us that it isn't. For example, Trey always helps out. He is does so much volunteer work and he tries to get everybody involved. His friends also supported him and helped him with it! Its filled with drama and that they are just like you and me, and that they are people too. We all come from different homes and families, it doesn't matter if your rich or poor were all human and we all have a right to live.
    Rory Gilmore I'm giving Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County a 10 because I'm totally addicted to it! I can't explain it, but apparently it's not just me. I don't know how the writers and everyone made a show about rich teenagers living on a beach so amazing, but they did a good job of it! Laguna Beach is a group of teenagers every year going through relationships, drama, and everything everyone normally goes through! But, some of these girls are the not-so-nice type. And some of the guys are players out of this world! It's interesting to watch all that happen. It's amazing to see what some of these girls will say or do! And it's amazing how the guys act. I don't know, just a very addictive show! I can't explain it. But I love Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County!
    thefake-headlines I have, sadly, seen far more of Laguna Beach than I would ever care to see. Both my sister and a past roommate have been fascinated by the show, but I can't see why. I guess I can give them a free pass if it's morbid fascination, because otherwise I don't see the point of watching this show at all - unless, of course, you're looking for lobotomy results without having to endure the surgery.The cast is made up of "characters" who both look and act exactly the same. Sure, one overtanned, bleach-blonde teen in a far-too-short skirt might be bitchier than another overtanned, bleach-blonde teen in a far-too-short skirt, but other than that there's really not much to tell them all apart. Not that you'd want to, really, that'd take FAR more effort than this show could ever deserve.All the boys and the girls are rather plain looking, in my opinion - though I blame this on their all looking like carbon copies of each other - there's nothing beautiful about looking the same as everyone else. Their petty little fights and "love" escapades are are from interesting. Even if it was done by better, more entertaining people it would STILL be the same thing we've seen over and over and over again. With a bunch of Barbie and Ken mini-clones it's about as exciting as a coma.