| 23 January 2014 (USA)

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    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    peterbreis Due to the usual remake that adds copious amounts of substituted water and sawdust.Don't blame the recipe, blame the wannabe cooks.Greg Kinnear is just too bland and nice to fill the lead role. The original Rake* is so much the author of his own self destruction, but still retains sufficient redeeming qualities to tip us over to forgiving the flaws, just as his many loves do.The US version doesn't fill the rakish side sufficiently for us to care whether we forgive him or not. It all reminds me of those unfortunate wannabe clowns who think a cheap frizzy colored wigs, red nose and big shoes are all it takes. The timing, wit and novelty, having all whizzed right over their heads.This pale version has not just whizzed over my (indifferent) head, but the heads of the puzzled US audience for whom it is all too strange and unpredictable, despite the attempted remake to do just that. Not frighten the trite sensibilities of middle America, thus rendering the whole exercise pointless.*It occurs to me having read some of the other reviews that most Americans do not even understand the real meaning of "rake" as it is used here. Therein lies the problem.
    LucyBeach Rake is a great, quirky character that Greg Kinnear plays perfectly. Even though this character is somewhat of a scoundrel at times, he is so lovable. Women find him irresistible. You can't help but like him and want things to work out for him. He just can't seem to stay out of trouble but he is good at maneuvering in and out of these moments. It is a refreshing, new series with the always charming Kinnear. He is such a natural actor and this character fits him perfectly. There are also lots of interesting characters who are part of his life, especially his legal assistant. One wonders sometimes why she puts up with him, but....again there is his charm. It's great to see Greg Kinnear on the screen again as it seems like it's been awhile. I love the show and hope that people will watch it. We need to support this show so that it will continue! Congratulations to Greg Kinnear and the producers of this show!!!!
    sarumanza I really couldn't care less how this compares to the original Rake, I love this one (but I am excited to check out the original while waiting for new episodes). The first episode I was mildly interested in but by the third episode I was hooked. Some of the characters in this show are just so utterly ridiculous that you can't help but laugh out loud at them. In the first episode it seemed a little too ridiculous but after watching more episodes you see that no, they really are real people, and they get by just fine being who they are without any excuses. I've never seen anything like this show before but I love it. Humans being humans, nothing funnier.Edit: OK, so while waiting for new American episodes I'm checking out the original and I couldn't disagree more with the other reviews. The American version has me busting a gut laughing out loud while the Aussie version is more of a court room drama. The Aussie version is completely lacking in the sheer incredulity that makes the American version so hilarious. The dialogue and main character in the Aussie version seem too serious, he has it too together, whereas the main character in the American version is just barely hanging on by the skin of his teeth, which provides for far funnier situations and dialogue. I can only imagine that the reviewers preferring the Aussie version can't handle the American one, as they are quite different shows. The new one cranks it up to 11, it's the show that Rake should have been and now thankfully is.
    Paige Turner Most of the criticisms of this show are based on comparisons to the Aussie version. Not having seen that one, I can just say that I am really enjoying this series. Why do I like it? Keegan Deane is an attorney who takes on some unusual cases, to say the least, yet his personal life is a mess. He is a compulsive gambler, alcoholic, and all around narcissist. He has a loan shark on his tail constantly, has no car, money or place to live...well, you get it. Yet, we manage to like him. Greg Kinnear is great in this role.I especially like the unique spin they put on some of Keegan's cases, such as the beard-cutting Amish and the cannibalism case. Tara Summers is great as his assistant, and I like that they don't employ the sexual tension angle, which in my opinion is way too overused. My main criticism of the show is that the editing is often choppy.Rake is compelling, fresh, energetic and funny. It seems that fans of the Aussie version want it to fail, but I hope it doesn't. I look forward to watching it!
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