TV-14 | 03 March 2006 (USA)

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    Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
    Wordiezett So much average
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    yuehan1 Compelling show, enjoyed every episode. Thought I would hate it, but couldn't resist downloading the first episode for free from itunes. I was hooked from there. Too bad it was canceled. Some of the comments here claim that this show was too formulaic, but I beg to differ. There was a freshness in the cast of this show. Enough to make it worthwhile to come back to. My one criticism stems from the predictability of the episodes. It seems that the young DAs somehow win every single case, or at least get a pretty good plea deal. This seems unrealistic to say the least. I would think that there is a MUCH lower success rate with these types of cases. Then again, TV requires suspension of disbelief, and apparently the better the show, the more one must suspend. Here's hoping that the powers that be see some of the positive comments about this show and decide to breathe life into it once again.
    c20006660 Hi Over the Christmas break I got a chance to watch the Conviction DVDs and I must say that they are amazing.Being an SVU fan, I was initially drawn to the Alexandra Cabot character, however I must say that I have enjoyed all the characters.Is there any chance that this series will be revived?The most exhilarating episode was the second last one and I was very thankful that there was a finale. So many of the 'ending' episodes prior to a series being off air for the non-ratings season end with cliff-hangers and I was pleasantly surprised that this one did not.While you knew the ending, come on the good guys must win. But I wasn't prepared for it to be so dramatic.The character profiles make the DVDs a worthwhile buy even if you have seen the series on TV.
    tristabella721 I have to question NBC's cancellation of Conviction *just* when it was starting to get good - just like they did to Law and Order: Trial By Jury. But this time, we will be left with a cliffhanger of season finale that turns out to be the series finale. And NBC is putting Law and Order: Criminal Intent into the Friday 10 p.m. slot, also known as the kiss of death air time. Will NBC cancel CI, too? In related news - NBC has chosen to bring back Crossing Jordan, a show I love, but are waiting until January. Maybe we will get lucky and NBC will decide to bring back Conviction after all as a midseason replacement - or maybe CourtTV, A & E or Bravo will decide to pick it up. NBC could have even moved it over to USA network (which they also own).
    abown The writing for Peluso in last night's episode was so much snappier than the other characters, I thought maybe Eric Balfour was ad libbing. If they kept writing priceless monologues like his dating tips, which made me laugh out loud ("Next thing you know, it's herbal tea and Miles Davis!"), then this show could break through. So far though, IMO the only time it has any life at all is when Balfour's on screen. He demonstrated his range in last night's episode--from funny to womanizing to sweet to compassionate to desperate to tough. Maybe it's his character--you can do a lot more with that character. Maybe it's that he's a terrific actor and brings energy to the role. But the writing for the other characters was markedly less skilled. It seemed wooden and clichéd and one-note.
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