Miss Match
Miss Match
| 26 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    sajeeva sinniah It is usually these unique shows that stand out - a story and plot which no one has ever witnessed will always be captivating, attention gaining and a ratings hit. Well it seems that this show failed to achieve these traits as it was cancelled just after one season. Alicia Silverstone is just brilliant -her character Kate Fox - coincidently quite similar but mature to the Cher Horowitz she played 8 years prior to this show, is not an every show character, and it was played to perfection - a well deserved Golden Globe Nomination. I guess it was just quite a crime to cancel this - all it needed was a few more seasons and the character 'Kate Fox' would have created icon status.
    pri_e I cannot believe that the ABC cancelled this show because I think its fantastic, the whole cast give such a great performance and I love the concept of the lawyer/match maker. Who could not fall in love with the story of Kate and Michael?! I was really surprised when I heard that the show was put on hiatus after 11 episodes because seriously there are some U.S shows which should have been put on permanent hiatus a long, long time ago (hint..charmed). If the ABC had any kind of entertainment sense and value they would re-instate the show.Alicia Silverstone does a really good job in this show ans I love the chemistry she had with David Conrad
    jmatrixrenegade This show is sort of what "Clueless" would be like ten years after ... after all Cher was the lovable/cute daughter of a lawyer, had the potential to be one in her own right, and was the master of matchmaking (while not being as lucky in love herself).Kate is a lovable/cute daughter of a lawyer, in fact she is a (divorce) lawyer herself (in her dad's firm), has a gift for matchmaking (thus the title), but is not as lucky in love herself. Ryan O'Neal plays her womanizing dad. And, the show will likely have various guest stars with stories to tell and matches to be made.The first episode was promising ... fun, romantic, and cute. Kate doesn't quite get the cynical world of divorce attorneys, which might get a bit annoying, since this is a bit clueless, isn't it? Still, especially given its core competition ("Joan of Arcadia"), the show has charm to spare, and Alicia Silverstone is great in the lead. Why not? She played this character already in her best role, Cher is "Clueless." And, though some might compare the two, she seems a bit more together than Ally McBeal.I don't know how it will holdup (especially given it's hour length) over the long haul, but I'm routing for this show.-j
    gleywong Miss Match is light and fun, and touches just enough on serious themes (like fear of being alone) so the show isn't entirely superficial. Alicia Silverstone is very appealing and likable. Some of the supporting cast is a bit weak, but overall the show is surprisingly good.
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