Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
TV-PG | 25 September 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    adonis98-743-186503 The adventures and romance of a sensitive and cultured lion-man and a crusading assistant district attorney in Manhattan, New York City. Although it's nowhere near as good as the animation that was released on 1991 this 1987 TV Series starring Linda Hamilton (The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day) and Ron Perlman as Vincent (Hellboy). What i really loved about the show was how Vincent tried to help his people and even strangers that he just met and plus his relationship with Catherine was really good but the series does have flaws mostly with some episodes really just being not that great but overall go check it out and you might actually enjoy it.
    Namarie Dansuri I enjoyed this series immensely! Vincent quotes such great authors & his voice is so soothing. This series delves into the ability: Empathy. Not just "I feel empathy for you", but like the superhero power of being empathic. Being able to feel the emotions of another beyond the norm. This wasn't a very well known ability at the time this series was made, so they do mention it a LOT in the first season in order to really drive the point home. It was a bit annoying after awhile, but I understood that for the times it was necessary. It's definitely a romance story. Some episodes are slow & I wish they would have sped things up a bit. But if you get through the slow parts, it gets so amazing! And the speed does pick up as the series goes on. At the time this series was made, there wasn't a whole lot of sex on television, so keep this in mind & don't be disappointed if they don't show what you want. I was quite satisfied with how they handled everything, but some people were disappointed. And I won't give anything away, but I'm so glad that they didn't just usher in a new character to replace characters who had to leave the show & call it good. It drives me crazy when a series is like "Oh but it's okay that we took one of your favorite characters away, cause we gave you one that has all the same skills & will have the same relationship with the rest of the characters as your favorite character did". Blech. Luckily they avoided that & made it much more realistic. You can't just replace someone. You can introduce someone new with new skills & a new role, but replacing someone is just tacky. SO HAPPY that this show understood that & transcended this common TV series trope. Side characters are well rounded & awesome. You find yourself falling in love with them as much as the main characters. The quotes are AMAZING. If I ever have the time I'll add to the quote list on here. :) There are some scenes, especially later on, that are just so powerful! It really draws you in! And man when Vincent lets loose, he's ferocious! They show his darker side so much better later in the series & really delve into just how dangerous he can get. And I had heard that it didn't wrap up at all at the end. This is NOT true. It wraps up quite nicely, so you don't have to worry about a cliffhanger. :)This series is on DVD if you decide you want to buy it, just google search it. I watched it on Netflix (which it may or may not still be up there depending on when you read this review), so that may be an option for you as well.I give this show a 10 out of 10! Full stars! Hope you enjoy it as well! ~Namarie
    Fizgig777 The beauty of this show is multidimensional. On the surface, yes, a love story between two people who fate brought together and their fight to hold onto a love that people wouldn't understand or accept. But there are so many deeper meanings to many of the episodes -- which probably played a large role in dooming the show. In order to understand these nuances you had to be willing to allow yourself to be pulled into the story, while also having a real grasp to the complexity behind the main characters. The stories, poetry and imagery used in the episodes told a story within a story; extended the story beyond the mere visual details and really gave you pause to think.It also showed -- for those who took the time to really see -- that love isn't always about carnal desires. It showed that sometimes loving someone means that you have to give up everything. For anyone who has known what true, deep love means, they can relate to the heavy price love can exact. This wasn't a story about fly-by-night or whirlwind romance... It was about those quite moments in a loving relationship where people can just enjoy the quiet moments and be fulfilled... In many ways, it was the story of what love should be. The fact that real intimate moments between Catherine and Vincent were left to insinuation, implication, and imagination was no accident -- it was brilliant.Unfortunately, the two main characters were so well linked with each other, that once L. Hamilton left the show there was no saving it. The way the story of Catherine and Vincent was told made it so the two characters were so completely linked that losing one would change the other so completely that the show would have to completely change around the remaining character in order for the show to survive. When Linda left, the whole premise of the show went with her because, as loyal followers of the story could attest to, Vincent could never love another. They did try to introduce another character like Catherine, but the chemistry and bond just never worked out. Plus, once father and son were reunited, it was the natural end point to the story...This show still has a lot of followers because of the uniqueness of it. The depth of the story and complexity of those deeper meanings are so fascinating that you want to watch the episodes again and again... And you will usually come away with new tidbits, deeper understanding, things that really make you think and analyze things every time you watch some of the episodes.
    Tresemmegan I didn't even exist till this show was about halfway through its run, so I didn't experience its original airings. My parents, however, did. I'm now fully convinced that their love for each other, fairy tales, and this show are the reason I am such a romantic.I didn't know that this show ever existed until I saw the DVDs in a Walmart years ago when I was shopping with my mom. I asked her about it and she said it was very popular. Of course, the only reason I asked her about it is because I loved the '91 Disney movie sooo much. It is still my favorite movie to this day. I love the story, the theme, the music...everything.Months ago I was just surfing around IMDb, and stumbled upon this series. I looked it up on and decided to watch the first episode, just to get a feel of it. After that, I watched the second, then the third...and eventually I begged my parents to get me the entire series for my birthday, and they did. I watched the rest of the episodes in marathons.I was hooked. I fell in love with the characters, the dialogue, the story, the romance..I completely agree with the user that pointed out that this was a show that would be uncommon today, where most of the time in any given series, any set of lovers hit the sack not long after the start of the relationship, giving it a forced ambiance.Though Vincent and Catherine share just moments together on screen, those stolen glances, tender hand-holding, and long embraces are uniquely satisfying. Sure, we all would've liked to see a little more between them, but what they gave us was more than enough to ensure that they were a couple in love and what they had was more than they ever hoped to dream. Coming from someone who has never had a physical relationship with a man beyond hugging, it's the little things I find are most important in a relationship, not heavy makeout sessions and careless sex (depicted in popular shows such as Friends, One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, The OC, many soaps, and many more). Vincent andCatherine are the epitome of what I would deem a perfect relationship.One so full of love that anyone on the outside can feel it themselves,and would probably want their own relationships to measure up to theirs.I, for one, cannot wait to meet my Vincent. He makes me believe more than ever in fairy tales, and I've never been one to give up on my dreams.This is without a doubt the best show I've ever seen. They just don't make stuff like this anymore, and probably never will again.