| 23 September 2009 (USA)

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    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    itgirlx Compelling, well-developed characters, great writing, interesting premise, great dialogue, good production values--why was this show canceled? I honestly don't understand NBC's claim of "under-performance." According to the American viewing public and its 3.6 million viewers, this show was worth renewing but NBC found this project apparently not worth the effort.Returning GWOT veterans, especially those in the medical field, do a great service that few realize can and does lead to PTSD. The themes brought to the fore in this drama are done in such a palatable way, it makes the topics easier to swallow for the non-military public.Taylor Schilling is radiant as Veronica and I hope to see her in many other projects.
    renlovesjesus Okay, so there have been other hospital shows before. Given that many of those (E.R. for instance) were on such a long time that followers considered the cast like family;to compare them to this new show is unfair.This show is funny, insightful, and at times moving. At my house, we jokingly call it "one of 'those' shows because we often need a tissue sometime during each episode. While we tend to enjoy shows for entertainment and to elicit topics of conversations with our teenager, and not for cinematic artistry, I still feel this is a worthy show. There is the stubbornly cranky doctor with the soft spot created by his previously unknown marriage with a tragic story. The timid newbie nurse who has a wild tiger hidden inside her. The conflict felt by the Iraqi veterans dealing with the post-traumatic symptoms and life on the outside. There are many other story lines that serve to enrich our viewing pleasure. Give it a chance. I think you'll enjoy it--bring tissues, just in case. :0)
    tekteam26 I happen to like watching Mercy. I am an Iraq war vet myself so it is interesting to see how the producers might portray them. Certainly enough married soldiers had affairs while out in the desert then had to deal with the consequences after their return to the states. I also find it interesting to see Kate Milgrew as Veronica's chain-smoking, alcoholic mom. Although he is not in the credits yet, Jason Ritter (Joan of Arcadia) played the musician with CF. I don't know if this would be considered as a spoiler since the episode has already been broadcast though. I look forward to seeing a lot more of Mercy. Fortunately, it is not running across any of the other shows that I like to watch.
    ruthann-renaud I watched the first episode (as I do with all new shows) to test it. All I can say is that another famous TV nurse with a military background...Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan...wouldn't't have taken five minutes of any of this. Doctors who show no professional respect to a nurse; drunken parents who can't show any sympathy for their daughter's problems; marital/relationship issues; etc....Margaret would've either freaked out or hit somebody just because it felt good to hit someone! I honestly had enough of the oily bearded doctor and the drunken parents after one episode. The younger nurse who couldn't turn off the life support and/or froze in an emergency will be OK after a few episodes. Veronica needs to channel the spirit of Margaret and tell some people to simply take a hike!