Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
TV-MA | 19 February 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    agazhevska I read the book and I loved it so much that I decided to watch this show even though I knew everything from the start. Even though some things were not the same as the book, i enjoyed it up until the end of the show. I was expecting a lot from the last scene when we would find out that Perry is the man who raped Jane, because it was so beautifully written in the book, but it was so poorly shown in the show.I kind of watched the whole show just for that scene, and it didn't happen the way it should have.
    iamalex-ooah Ok. So I don't usually leave reviews on IMDB, because my English is not so good. Also, I'm a female. I think in this case it might make a role, although I'm not too different from humans with penises instead of vaginas. The difference is that humans with penises also have more testosterone and God knows what, which makes for them anger be more socially appropriate emotional expeession than sadness, fear, care, well, any other. This is a very important show. Not only aesthetically, brilliant acting, sometimes questionable but sometimes very well placed music, story, but also the fact that it exists. Me myself used to live with abusive husband, who didn't look like evil or movie image of abusive husbands, who looks like typical hipster with dreadlocks and tattoos. Yet I cried all scenes with Nicole Kidman, how beliavable she was, how much I could relate to her character. Ofcourse this review is emotional, it's supposed to be that. But the fact that this show exist and yes, I didn't buy the last plot twist, irl he would go to court to get custody and probably he would get it, because such a nice fellow he is. And for most of people who never meet anything like that (lucky ones) it seems that it isn't real. But it is. And thanks to HBO and random article about latest roles of Nicole Kidman I knew about this show. It's empowering. Thank you.
    cathylr I have been a fan of David E.Kelley since I was 14 and I believe this is the darkest show he has ever written. It is definitely for adults as it reveals the darkest secrets that one can keep. I had watched ´Demolition´ by Marc Valley shorly before and I was happy to see him again as a director. Even thought some scenes are hard to watch, these are realistic and filmed in a sensitive way. Only question is that, since season 1 ends with the outcome of the story we were following, what would season 2 be about? I hope it won´t be just a way of exploting a good idea a bit longer...
    Aaron Redis And the Emmy for The Best Limited Series goes to . . . Big Little Lies!I am so amazed with this show. It really is one of the best limited series out there. Absolutely amazing soundtrack, cast, storyline, and acting. This is exactly the show I didn't realize I needed. I can't thank HBO enough for the excellent storytelling here.I am so happy that there is finally a series that can showcase Reese Witherspoon's talent, as well as everybody else's. I was definitely surprised with Adam Scott's role. I didn't expect to enjoy it, but he did great.Nicole Kidman is just absolutely fantastic! She is by far my favorite character. I am so attached. She is so strong and powerful and I am so glad that they get to represent her story and bring to light what happens behind closed doors. It's a story that everyone needs to see.Alexander Skarsgård does great in his role as Perry Wright. Why? Because I absolutely hate his character. That's how you know you're watching something powerful. The story with Perry and Celeste is so very important, I just can't say that enough. I found myself crying my way through their scenes. In that regard, this show held NO punches.I recommend this show to everybody aching for some great drama and storytelling! I don't think you'll regret it. Not to mention that this show will give you some killer songs to add to your playlists!I dare you to watch and not fall in love. There is so much to enjoy and so much to be said for a show like this. It deserves all the praise it gets.I give "Big Little Lies" an 8.9/10.
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